Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

As the forum’s SF representative you should understand your leaders’ stance on water charges. Quite embarrassing for you considering they did a complete 180 on it to follow the populist opinion. Why did they change their mind?

But what about when the dubs go after muldoon water from the shannon. Obviously im entitled to plenty, but id hate to see you and other fingallians left high and dry

I joined the party long after the water charges issue and cannot comment on the party’s behalf on this issue.



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you’re better than this

Time for the muldoons to stop funding free light rail systems for the junkies of dubalin.

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It’s been a bad day and I’m lashing out, sorry bro.


Obviously not this but something similar made by a friend in the UK. Cost a few bob to have it brought over and it was given to me as a significant birthday present. Haven’t a fucking clue what its meant to be but its a nice piece of artwork.

That’s ok bro … i barely got off the jacks there after shitting my brains out … i’ve just about climbed onto my bed, naked but for one sock, and well pissed…

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It clearly symbolizes modern snowflake ireland ultimately eating itself

No, those pots are far too common to be used in my garden. I thought about getting a set of golfing bats galvinised but that wouldn’t really be me. I could also have got one of my dogs turds enlarged and cast in copper or something like that but the above arrived and so the decision was made.

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That could be one interpretation.

50% of water is lost due to leakage yet they plough on and install redundant metres because it would cost too much to cancel the contracts. What a shower of useless cunts and you have lads who want us to give them more money.

Most people don’t have a problem paying extra for water (we already pay for it), we just want it spent well. If they’re going to waste the money and I have a choice whether to give it to them or not then I choose not to.



Unfortunately we all know this is not true. The likes of yourself and @anon61956325 want everything for free and to pay for nothing. I wouldn’t mind but ye are both dolers anyway and wouldn’t be paying anything anyway.

Exactly — water charges were not about water - but set up to fund the new company Irish water. Water services / maintenance were still going to come from the same place it always had, general taxation.

I’ve stated umpteen times i’d be willing to pay extra… They can take a fiver a week from my dole.


I know I’ve asked you this question about 100 times and you have refused to answer it every time but why does almost every other European country have separate water charges? Why don’t they just pay for it out of general taxation like we do?

A friend asks you for €20, non repayable. You give it to him. He takes out a lighter and burns it in front of you and asks you for another 20.

Do you:
a) Naively give it to him hoping he doesn’t burn it.
b) Tell him to fuck off.

I’m guessing you’d answer a).

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You’ll have to PM these other European countries. I dont speak on their behalf.