Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Crikey no it isn’t. Companies aren’t people. Companies can’t enjoy wealth. It’s still taxed when people take it out to enjoy it.


My understanding is that most of these companies/corporations pay close to 10% not the 12.5 — that’s why they are funneling in their European profits through Ireland and cooking our books so to speak. Should we insist on the 12.5% ?


I’m only asking Tim.

Sigh, multi national corporations pay percentage of total corporation tax. Good work Tim. The point is they don’t pay enough and some don’t pay any. You can try and muddy the waters with spoof but the EU have ruled Apple owe the good people of Ireland 13bn in unpaid taxes. Like I said I’ll take their word over yours.

Sorry Mike you lied, you said that people are happy for them not to pay anything.

They pay the majority of corporation tax in the State along. I’m happy with that.

You were wrong, the end.

They = Multi Nationals.

Lolzers. I gave you a link where it clearly states some multi nationals pay no tax.

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Good man.

Multi nationals are the bed rock of your pension fund.


That shouldn’t exempt them from paying corporation tax.

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I was out in the car there earlier listening to the radio. Ivan Yates had a lady on from Irish Water talking about a proposed mega waste water treatment plant in Clonshaugh. God love her the lady was absolutely hopeless. Well worth a listen back.

Is she on a bonus?


The glaring omission here is does “high usage” reference the number of people living in the household?

Irish Water with a grand fuck up of things here in Gorey and Ballymore Eustace. Dodgy water sitting in the system and hitting the general water supply.

Mrs Mac was confirmed as having ecoli from it. I was sick with what I assumed was a 24 hour gastro bug and one of the kids was as well. We likely had a strain of it too from the water. 50 odd confirmed ecoli cases but I’d say the real number is 10 or 20 times that as very few were tested.

In short, fuck Irish water.


Wouldn’t have happened if you lived in Lucan mate

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