Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Dole isn’t as easy as it seems but it’s fucking great during this weather.


They’ve tried every other trick in the book to get people to pay - this smacks of desperation

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They pay lots of tax in Ireland. Do you just ignore facts?

You might finally get that free house.

That’s misleading, While the levels of tax may appear large to some, their effective rates of tax are close to zero while individuals pay 50%…

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Sorry you were incorrect.

Apple Pay Ireland hundreds of millions annually, they just being one tax payer.

We do exceptionally well out of them.

In Mike’s world we go back to all indigenous Irish businesses. Because small businesses never fiddle taxes.

The EU think they should pay the reasonable rate of 12.5%. I agree with them. You don’t and that’s fine too. They have ruled that Apple alone owe us 13bn in unpaid taxes. I’ll tajk the EU word’s over your’s. We could invest it in worthwhile infrastructure.

Sorry Mike, you were wrong.

Admit it.

No, per my earlier link, the Irish government are beginning to collect the 13bn as instructed by the EU. Hopefully we get a satisfactory outcome and keep it and can invest it in infrastruture needs like water pipes etc. Not sure why the Irish government are appealing when we’re stuck for money but nothing surprises me with them. Meanwhile, look over there, welfare cheat!!!

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You might not agree with equitable treatment but it is wrong that someone pays 50% tax on income over 35k while companies pay nothing on profits. It’s wrong Tim.

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We can but dream. I’ll rent it out then and gouge the poor :clap::clap::clap::clap:

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The oirish recovery is based on nominal or zero taxes, this isn’t sustainable and things will go bust again a few years

The corporate lickspittles wont know who to blame then


Sorry Mike you said people are happy for them to pay no tax in Ireland. They do, in fact;

Should we broaden out the tax base so?

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It’s very sad that journalists with no concept of the difference between accounting and taxable profits, or indeed any business sense, feed information to mallable contrarion people like yourself.

Oh no, don’t you start asking me to resolve your fuck ups

This is only in the last 2 years. The first time they paid it jumped corporation tax by about 75%


Who are they though? Are we not they? Are they they?

Come again TSG, you can’t have such a definitive opinion about the Oirish economy without someway to resolve it.