Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

Is Davy having a year out? Heā€™d surely love the Waterford gig with the calibre of player there.


Davy is biding his time for Galway Iā€™d say, especially as Hanley and Lynskey miscued their chances in recent weeks.

Why would anyone go near Davy after his largely very poor championship results over 5 years in Wexford?

Ballygunner 5-23 Ballyduff Lr 0-6 in the Eastern Intermediate at the weekend.

Ballyduff were in the Intermediate final last year.

He should stay with Waterford. Heā€™ll have an opportunity with Tipperary again in the future. He has a better chance of beating Limerick in the next two years with Waterford in my opinion. In tipp heā€™ll need a rebuild, heā€™s starting from scratch, with Waterford itā€™s add a couple of players and tweak and improve again.

Kilkenny beat Waterford with their caps in 2008 and were widely considered to be invincible. Waterford beat what was considered to be a poor Tipperary team in the semi final. 12 months later Tipp (under new management) put Kilkenny to the pin of their collar in the final and 12 months after that soundly beat them. Cahill will remember that.


Is you point that tipp came from nowhere or that a team can be turned around in a year? I agree with the point, I just think that in the short term, the next year or two, Waterford are a better prospect than tipp given the profiles of the respective teams.

Ballygunnar are no good for Waterford hurling when you see scores like this. Needs to be planning for a second club out there.

Was Sheedy over Tipp in 2008 ?

He was. My mistake

Demographic doping.

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They were ambushed in 2008 semi . Their thoughts were on the final

Iā€™d be very surprised if Cahill is offered the Tipp job again if he turns it down. Unless he wins an A/I with Waterford and Tipp fall on very hard times but all things being equal I doubt it would be forgotten when the job is up for grabs again

Youā€™re an awful clown at times.

I would disagree with this. He has a far better chance of beating Limerick with Tipp than Waterford imho.

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Sshhh, heā€™s pretending againā€¦

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We expected to make the final definitely. That Tipp team had just won the league (our last :grimacing:) and Munster and Waterford were in a bit of disarray (Davy in midway through season). Waterford won that game in first ten minutes. Seamus Butler, who never played a championship minute for Tipp after that game, got a slap in the stomach before the ball was thrown in by the Waterford goalie and that set the tone. We were blown out of it. Think it was six points to no score after 10 minutes. Even though I think we were level at half time and lost by two, the opening killed us in a way.

I remember weā€™d a wedding in Madrid on the Friday. Flights were dirt cheap so I booked two back for the Saturday night and two back for the following Wednesday or Thursday. The Mrs at full time said to me ā€œsure at least we will get a holiday out of it :grimacing:ā€

A young @caulifloweredneanderthal appeared on telly a few times during that match too

Maybe thereā€™s a lot more players in tipp than people realise, probably, youā€™d expect so given the recent underage successes. But even after the retirements, thereā€™s more retirements coming down the line in the next two years, the age profile is not good.

Your outrage at Waterford being favourably compared to Tipperary is hilarious.