Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

What “public funds”? Define “public funds”.

Are you getting confused about Lotto money?

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The gaa don’t give a fuck about the environment. Redeveloping stadiums that’ll be full a handful of times a year is a disgrace.

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There is loads of diversity in the GAA. 4 different sports covered by the one organisation.

Can you see the irony of your pissing and moaning about poor soccer facilities after spending years lauding and eulogising john Delaney?

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The GAH received 31 million in grants from the exchequer

What “bigotry” in the GAA? The GAA prioritizes its own codes, and rightly so, same as any other functional sports organization.

Is whoever runs showjumping in Ireland obliged to promote cycling? Are the showjumping crowd ‘bigots’ because they do not let lads on bikes into a gymkhana?

Get a grip.

Do you want to back up that statement with evidence?

Of course it is. Drive in to any pitch at any time and it’ll be divided in 3 with lads playing 5 aside

The delusion is off the charts in this topic

No I wasn’t. Tweed was a journeyman player, who I pointed out, at 35 was the oldest debutant in the history of international rugby. A short lived 3 month international career which only came about courtesy of an injury crisis which saw Paddy Johns cry off the morning he got his debut cap in 1995.

Its linked above already


Soccer got 13m despite having more participation levels

I am pissing and moaning about the bigotry and lack of diversity in the GGA

Spot on.

Because Bohs are lazy soccer heads.

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What’s your thoughts on John Delaney’s contribution to Irish soccer?

Off topic

No because the GAA get almost treble the funding despite having less playing numbers

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The soccer club are not entitled to use the facilities, however, presumably to cover the costs of the building and operational costs, the club rent out this facility.

The soccer club aren’t going in demanding it’s use or trespassing, they are paying an agreed fee to rent it out for an hour or whatever, which suits all parties.

If your golf club rents out the lake and you can pay to swim in it, then why can’t you? No one is talking about entitlement here.

I play soccer twice a week in two neighbouring gaa club facilities and my son trains soccer in one of them too. Pretty much all of us playing soccer are involved in our local gaa clubs too. The rent they get on these indoor soccer games runs into thousands per month and help them pay off the debt to build them.


That funding is from Sport Ireland, not from the Exchequer. The money from Sport Ireland that goes to any sports organization would not be going instead, say, to build a new hospital. The distinction is a basic one. You really need to get a grip.

Besides, why are you so bigoted about one of the planet’s great sports organizations, the GAA, getting funding from Sport Ireland? The money is extremely well spent as cultural capital.

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No it’s not. The reason the FAI has shit facilities is because it’s always been run by corrupt crooks like your hero John Delaney.


Tomorrow morning there’ll be lads lining soccer pitches up and down the country, hanging up nets on goals, getting the gear off the line they washed at home, preparing the half time oranges and jaffa cakes at their own expense. Washing and cleaning the water bottles. Getting thousands of lads out and active but these are “soccer heads” and aren’t the same class of volunteers as are in the GAH

What a horrible closeted mentality to have


Sports funding for cultural capital

I can see a problem