Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

You are caught out, badly. You have exposed yourself as a bigot against the GAA. You are demanding something of the GAA you see fit not to demand of any other sports organization. The fact there are so many soccer heads around the place, especially in the media, tends to obscure the ludicrousness and the bigotry of this ‘position’.

End of.

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It must have been a while ago if it was Killure you were playing

It wasn’t today or yesterday


Not a classy way to concede the argument – but thanks.

No one associates FAI soccer heads with class.

John Delaney's 50th birthday bash cost FAI €69,000 | Ireland | The Sunday Times

You’re as bigoted against other sports as the association, clearly.

Defending putting under 10s out in the cold and talking about taste in the same breath.

The GAA hiding behind some bullshit technicalities is a complete joke. If a club has a bar and function room, can they hire it out for a party or funeral or whatever? Not GAA activities, so shouldn’t be allowed. If a club has fundraised and got an amenity in place that they then hire out, it should be up to them, and them alone as to who they hire it to, whether it be soccer, rugby, yoga, tiddlywinks or whatever. Some bolloxology about not letting soccer being played is a joke. As the club in question and many others would point out, it’s nearly always the same people in their playing soccer as it would be in playing hurling or football another time.


Bllygunner have no choice now but to ban all non association activities on their grounds, against their will

I guarantee when the pocket is pinched this nonsense will be reversed

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My two youngest go up to the Creche on the Ballygunner club premises for a few hours of after school twice a week. I’m sure you’ll be relieved to hear that we got notification over the weekend that the Creche in unaffected and it’s normal service Monday afternoon.


It’ll happen for a few weeks and then go back on. Hopefully, for all parties. Same thing happened faythe harriers in wexford Town when they opened their astro turf pitch. Someone ratted on them and big hoo ha made for a while but died down and went back to normal again. One of the facilities I play soccer in when we started, the lad managing the place said if anyone comes in and asks what we are doing, tell them we’re playing ground gaelic football.


did mt sion sneak the odd senior football title??

Are the kids only allowed play gaa activities during the day?


Ireland was always riddled with informers

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Not an issue in this household. We’re not Ballygunner club members.

Give over talking shite. You are making a complete tool out of yourself. And for what? To prove yourself an FAI soccer head.

I could not care less if those young lads play soccer in Ballygunner’s GAA facilities. But give over on Joe Duffy shite about U10s. Would the situation be any different if they were U15s? Is rain wetter for U10s?


Of course it would. Children are different to teenagers. You’re defending this nonsense and your only argument is that I’m making a show of myself

I haven’t mentioned soccer outside the context or tried to defend the FAI. You haven’t been rational since you waded in

Do you not see wrong in this? Straight question

It’s the rules of the association kid. Ballygunner broke the rules.

You’re a soccer man. You support a franchise Manchester City that flaunt the rules, engage in financial doping and have state owners from Abu Dhabi that stone people to death and chop their hands off. I’m sure it’s a big shock for you to hear that there’s rulebooks out there that a lot of people have to adhere to.


It’s a lovely cosy space i have inside your head


How many ways do you want me to say the same thing? I have no personal problem with youngsters, of whatever age, playing soccer or whatever in a GAA facility. That Rubicon has long since been crossed. The person who contacted the GAA over the issue had very little to be doing.

My problem is with people like you, people who appear to think Joe Public somehow ‘owns’ every GAA ground in the country (via that spurious ‘Exchequer’ line). Vested GAA grounds are private property and the GAA – same as every other sport in Ireland – is under no obligation to promote other codes. Here, the GAA is merely the same as every other sports organization and not in any way different. You are asking of the GAA what you would not ask of any other sports organization, which essentially makes you a bigot. What I am pointing out – to your obvious discomfort – is the clear double standard involved. Showjumping and cycling etc.

Hate the GAA away – I suspect, like other soccer heads I have run across, you think being ‘anti Gah’ gives you some sort of contrarian kudos. But do not think you are anything but a bigot.

We all saw what happened over the Liam Miller Testimonial. We all heard the comments by the likes of Damien Duff and Stephen Kenny. They excoriated the GAA in terms that would have been pilloried if any other sports organization had been in question. The GAA was basically bullied by a media mob into opening up a ground. You can perfectly well agree with the ground being used but deplore the means by which the ground was obtained.

Yet we were told back in the mid 2000s, after rugby and soccer had been played in Croke Park, such comments would never be heard again. The GAA, we were told by idiots such as Martin Breheny, was moving into a brave new era. The GAA would be reap, we were told, a windfall of changed attitudes and perceptions.

So why did we hear, a dozen and more years later, those comments from the likes of Duff and Kenny? Those comments were as if rugby and soccer had never been played in Croke Park. I predicted at the time exactly what transpired. There is a bedrock of hatred regarding the GAA and this seam will always be there, as this thread is proving once more.

The really interesting facet is how little criticism Bohemian FC have received for a lack of facilities.


I merely stated that advertising a facility for lease and then not allowing a code lease it because of a sport they play is narrow minded , closeted and bigoted.

You’ve invented all the other arguments yourself. If you want to argue against points I’m not making then shoot for the stars, I won’t be defending them

My point on facilities was more related to community than ownership, very often community fundraising helps pay for these facilities, to forcibly remove community from availing of it is narrow minded, selfish and ultimately counter productive

There seems to have been a decent backlash by some non selfish gaa people to this too.

Your stance is incredibly narrow minded