Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

He did indeed. He repeated it a number of times. Deleted the posts in an attempt to cover it up too.

I’d have some respect for him if he owned it and apologised for it. As it stands I have none.

I also saw what you said to that snuffler right there now. You cannot have it both ways.

I really think you should go off and eat some hummus.

No I’m referring to the time he repeatedly said something to Esteban about being creepy with kids.

As you decided to make this thread about your various grudges. As is your standard. What’s the point of you being here if you are incapable of having a discussion? Even the lads who went off the deep end here kept this to being a discussion forum. This isn’t your blog.

Note the repeated Joe Duffyesque references to U10s. As I asked: is rain less wet for those older than ten?

Fuck off out of it you mad cunt.

You keep asking me questions. And I keep answering them. The fact you do not like the answers is neither here nor there in a significant sense.

Now, really…

Problem solved

Is not interesting who brings up certain topics?

This whole playbook is highly familiar from all the noxious populist right wing hatreds.

Lads give away so much about themselves, without the slightest sense of doing so.

Observe the level of brain dead populist guff with which I was dealing. The GAA get money from ‘The Exchequer’…

Why is acceptable for GGA clubs named after slavers to get grants?

Here comes @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Eh, you brought up my post

The tentacles of slavery’s legacy are everywhere, as any sensible person knows. To single out the fact that a few GAA clubs are called after John Mitchel is asinine – but typical of a soccer head clown. For the record, I would have no problem with those GAA clubs being renamed.

Yes, because you are another anti GAA gobdaw soccer head.

Your own words are there for everyone to see. Some people have a ferocious preoccupation with paedophilia.

You haven’t answered why you decide to derail threads constantly. Again this isn’t your blog, what’s the point in being here?

More of his “craic” I assume. “Your ma” level jokes that probably gets a bit of traction in whatever grief hole he drinks in too many times a week.

He doesn’t like it back or to be questioned and has a grudge against people when they call him out on it.

And you’re on the record of slagging off rugby. Who gives a fuck? I discuss a variety of topics with GGA heads on other threads, as does @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy . You seem to take it personally that we aren’t all interested in your musings about stick fighting.

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