Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

The Nire beat Rathgormack 1-7 to 0-9 in the Comeragh derby Senior Football Final.

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I already knew you cannot deal with my points, because of the Manchester City-supporting world in which you live. That world is a really narrow place.

Said narrowness really came across via an amusing incident a few years ago in a Kilkenny pub. Teatime and ROI playing the Faroe Islands or some such crowd in some bargain bin qualifier tie. The pub, now sadly closed, was the smallest one in the town. Said tie was on a television high up on the back wall.

I was drinking a pint, reading The Guardian and minding my own business. At the bar, to my right, was one of the most unpleasant latchikos around – a nigh professional soccer head, full of guff about Dah Gah. He began talking loudly about how disgraceful it was that I was paying no attention “to the Irish national team”. Without looking up, I said: “I enjoy watching the Irish national team every time it plays Scotland’s shinty team.”

The place laughed. Yer man shut up.

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Cool story bro


Utter rubbish.

The rule is there until it is rescinded.


Can you explain wtf this dolt is trying to achieve with this

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The rule isn’t enforced equally. It is bigoted.

End result, community kids train outdoors.

You defend this

Both the GAA club and the soccer club were happy with the lease agreement and now they can no longer be facilitated. You support this

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Short answer: foolishness.

You cannot unstupid or unbigot people.

Then again, Irish people whose emotional life centres around what happens in a Northern English city are a strange breed.

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You really are a bit caught in the head.

I have said the exact opposite in clear English.

And now the personal stuff begins. Definitely not a classy way to concede an argument.

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Epl is the most popular sport championship in ireland

You haven’t. You’ve excused it and argued for it for 2 days now.

And the tabloids sell the most issues. And Dancing with the Stars is really popular.

Stick to your bespoke Munster only amateur sport mate

Any more made up anecdotes about how you schooled a “soccer head” in bally go backwards mate?

“amateur sport”

Ah lovely.

“bally go backwards”

Ah lovely.

Funny enough, I was in this gorgeous Manchester pub a few weeks ago. Would that sliver help in my personal search for your level of sophistication?

And not a soccer hooligan anywhere to be seen.

The Britons Protection

These are the levels you’ll stoop to, to excuse under 10’s getting banned from a GAA facility for no other reason than they play soccer.

I suppose it’s a matter of taste.

Thankfully not all in the GAA share your mindset

You have just made a total fool of yourself.

Typical old Joe Duffy shite about the childer.

you’ve just spent two days calling me that, despite admitting to agreeing with my initial point.

guffaw in to your pint at that one