Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

Stick to your bespoke Munster only amateur sport mate

Any more made up anecdotes about how you schooled a “soccer head” in bally go backwards mate?

“amateur sport”

Ah lovely.

“bally go backwards”

Ah lovely.

Funny enough, I was in this gorgeous Manchester pub a few weeks ago. Would that sliver help in my personal search for your level of sophistication?

And not a soccer hooligan anywhere to be seen.

The Britons Protection

These are the levels you’ll stoop to, to excuse under 10’s getting banned from a GAA facility for no other reason than they play soccer.

I suppose it’s a matter of taste.

Thankfully not all in the GAA share your mindset

You have just made a total fool of yourself.

Typical old Joe Duffy shite about the childer.

you’ve just spent two days calling me that, despite admitting to agreeing with my initial point.

guffaw in to your pint at that one

I do not agree with you at all.

You are a sort of bigot against semantics as well, clearly.

You think it is ‘sophisticated’ to be anti GAA and pro soccer. I think you are deluded.

The question not asked: what about all the other sports organizations in Waterford? Why are they not making their facility available? Is Ballygunner GAA Club the only sports organization in Waterford with a relevant facility? And why does Bohemian FC not have its own facility?

But: the childer, the childer…

The standard populist guff.

You’ve put up a lot of scaffolding and straw men around yourself on this topic, as you can’t square the circle and call the rule out for what it is.

You talk about sophistication yet take pride in ridiculing another human for liking a different sport in public.

Big words can’t mask ignorant intent and by God you are a pig of a man

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The problems with lads like you – and I have seen it a million times – is that ye cannot just like soccer and get on with it. Oh no. This great liking for soccer also has to include the anti Gah bullshit and double standards and hypocrisy and bigotry.

I am indifferent to soccer – but well aware of its underbelly as regards hooliganism and racism. Calling the GAA a “whore” represents – as Chairman Dan pointed out – quite monumental levels of delusion.

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It must be an awful burden to think you know so much about others and know so little about yourself

Yet another straw man

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Keep on with the straw stuff. Fire ahead, so to speak.

To prove yourself a hypocrite and a bigot, someone with no sense of proportion and judgement, is quite some going.

There has been a one sided spewing of bigotry today, and its been all you. I’ve only mentioned the rule and this situation. .

So far you’ve mentioned showjumping, John Delaney, shinty, Manchester, hooligans and numerous other non related bits of bollocks.

All because you are afraid to call the rule what it is. Bigoted

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Tis really amusing to see the bigotry tables turned on a soccer head…

The bitterness is strong in this one

This is all correct.
I think that any GAA club should be allowed to allow anyone they want to use their facilities though. It’s not something that should be under central dictat, I don’t think. Sport, especially team sport in any form, should be facilitated wherever possible.
It should be up to the individual club to balance out the use/overuse Vs the financial side of things, just as they should be entitled to refuse if they wish.
The more team sport, the better for the population on the whole (though there are obvious caveats)


I am not even slightly bitter about anything. Then again, my emotional life does not centre on 22 multi millionaires moving around a pitch in an English city. So I have that advantage.

I do like bitters in a gin and tonic, though.

No,but it seems to centre on delighting in denying 10 year old children from playing sport and ridiculing people in public for having the temerity for enjoying a sport not under the association umbrella

A man clearly at peace with himself

It would have been 6 if the Brickeys supporters hadn’t run a load of horses on to pitch to get the final abandoned in what became known as the “Giddy Up” county final.


Junior Football Co. champions…I’d say ye’ve won more at football than hurling the last 15 years