Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

:grimacing::grimacing: tough one to take for him. Quality player though

Flaky as fuck.

True, but naturally very talented.

Davy is freeing himself up

Stand off in Waterford seemingly. County Board were all set to unveil Davy as the new manager on Monday afternoon. Players have apparently let the County Board know that they donā€™t want him and thereā€™ll be departures if heā€™s foisted on them.

Who do the players want?

Skippy Ryan

Derek is warming up the BBQ and preparing the self help books as we speak.


I think heā€™s the best choice.

Donā€™t know. They donā€™t want Davy anyway.

Wasnā€™t there a similar scenario in Galway last year? Galway County Board were all set to appoint Davy and senior players stepped in and said, no way.

You would

Derek is one of their own. He understands the Waterford mindset. Heā€™s also got Waterford the closest of anyone in the last 60 years to winning an All Ireland.


Yeah. You should pay attention. I have a far better record than you on such matters.

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To have a Derek, and choose a Davy, would be the most Waterford thing ever.

Derek and Davy = Dreamteam

The calculating wordsmith who bonds with his players and understand the soul of Waterford and a deranged lad from Clare

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Neither would be a good appointment, though Davy would arguably get more out of them in the short term.

They seem to be mentally scarred are are no longer built to win soon. This is a project and needs someone who can build it. This current squad will not cut it anymore.

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I think the diminishing returns from TDB and Barron due to injuries means that the ship for this current group may have sailed.


De Burca looked a much diminished player all year. I had it from a fairly good source before a ball was struck this year that he wasnā€™t at all confident in the knee and didnā€™t think he had long left at inter-county level. He looked and played all year like he was minding his knee and wasnā€™t comfortable on it.

Barron with a proper rest and recuperation May overcome his injury travails.

Barron is there since 2012, he may well get back to form with a new manager but he is on the road a long time.

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