Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years



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5 players in, 5 players out

Aboy Tonto

Thought his ship had sailed. Delighted to see him in, hope it works out for him.

Surprised to see DJ back in.

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Are the Shanahans still roaring and shouting injustice?

Not that I’ve heard of anyway

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Surprised Tonto is brought in, I’d say last year was his first year as a DLS regular and didn’t exactly shoot the lights out. Cahill and Bevans obviously see something

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Get DJ going I think he has a lot to offer. He hurled v well in 2018 v Tipp the day of the ghost goal

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DJ is a player in the Jack Fagan, Neil Montgomery role but with more hurling them both. Wouldn’t have more heart than than them though.

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He trained with the panel in the early part of last year.

Was Michael Kiely on the training panel under Pauric Fanning. Picked up a bad hip injury?

He is too passive in games. But after seeing what Cahill got out of other players I’d be hopeful he can get DJ to up his intensity

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At underage he had it all when I saw him. No guarantee to successful transition admittedly but he seemed to go off the rails for a couple of years after Minor. Was impressive with DIT up here in a ‘lazy but still got 2-3’ type role. Stakhanovite levels of commitment expected by Cahill/Bevans will make or break him I feel.

DJ was great under 21 but a bit gun-shy at Senior I hear. Anyways good luck to them both.

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Who else is gone off the panel?

SOK, Darragh Fives, TDeB and…?

Pauric Mahony

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Who’s the fifth? And surely expecting Pauric and TDB back at some stage?
Real pity about D Fives, a fantastic hurler but the most injury prone I’ve ever come across

TDB will hardly get back in time with the timing of the season

Maybe now he will. I hope so.

Tadhg only had his operation on Jan 5th so I’d say he will be miles off getting back unfortunately.

Even Pauric Mahony who had the op a good couple of months before Tadhg won’t be back I reckon. Too much to do and too little time to do it. Even if he is back for the club scene it will be some going. With Covid likely to be still around I’d doubt clubs will get many challenge matches in to allow him to build up match fitness / sharpness.