Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

Looks the prototype modern midfielder. V surprised not to see him involved.

I’m not sure that’s such a huge criticism is it? Design a gameplan to best suit your players and do your best with it? That makes sense to me.

Philip Mahony is a future Waterford manager but will probably focus on Ballygunner on and off the field for the next 10 years.

In fairness the current Ballygunner backroom team leaves Waterford in the absolute ha’ppeny place in terms of Video/Stats/Psychologists/Doctors/Surgeons/Physios etc.

Ah that’s grand so. The county can sit on its hands for a decade while Philip gets his shit together.


Is there anything to be said for proposing a potential starting 15 for next year?

It worked for us :joy::joy:

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Hutchinson and Gleeson are two of the best forwards in the country.
Lyons, Daly x 2

There’s plenty there to build around. The whole thing doesn’t have to be torn down

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Lookit, people were saying the same after Patsy Fannings year in charge, there are plenty good hurlers in Waterford and plenty coming through, we’ll be fine

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Limerick have a Plan B.
Its to do Plan A better


Could you organise sponsorship for some decent hurleys?

Stephen Bennett mightn’t have had a great season but he’s a fine player. I think Jack Prendergast is serious aswell.

Barron is another, hasn’t had a good year, but he is one of the best hurlers in the country.

Waterford have massively underachieved this year. They do have good players though, and I think they have a good management team. But something has gone badly wrong this year, whether everyone is pulling in the same direction or whether they got the timing of their run wrong, I don’t know but they look so so flat. Sluggish. And their gameplan was built around pace & being sharp with the little handpasses & stickpasses.

Sunday bore all the hallmarks of a team
who’s manger has lost the dressing room. I’d be amazed if Cahill is there next year.

The general word on Cahills methods is relentless and tough on the body and mind.

Training is rarely if ever tapered down.

That works for a year or two but lads get sick of it.

You should say that another fifty odd times to see does it catch purchase

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Isnt Mikey bevans supposed to do a lot of the coaching\training?

It is very hard to keep going to the well when you are not getting any success, i thought Waterford started really well against Limerick they were very sharp, the arm wrestle started and Limerick wore them down. I think like in previous eras the team is just a little bit short of what is needed. Cahill played the same way against Limerick each time and never learnt from the defeats.

Well, he is the coach? Cahill is only the manager.

Is that Cahill done or has he another year at the helm?

He has an option of a year