Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

Not sure he was ever truely nailed on for new year. I think everyone jumped the gun based on that interview.

Not happy he is gone.

Petrified that dreary Derek might be brought back.

Just the 2 managers in a row the WD players have dispatched

Bennettā€™s are canvassing like fuck for Dictionary Derek.

Wonā€™t one of them end up chasing his tail on his own up front if Derek gets back in?

I donā€™t think thatā€™s correct.

The Waterford players get a bad rap which I donā€™t think is fair.

The Patsy Fanning situation was the same as Bonnar with Tipp - he wasnā€™t up to it and both sets of players knew it.

Cahill dug his own grave this year too. At least 75% of the blame for Waterfordā€™s failures this year lay with Cahill. Thatā€™s why I think he should take a year out and take stock rather than go straight into the pressure cooker of Tipp.

Yeah the Bennettā€™s werenā€™t happy last time round - Shane and Kieran didnā€™t play in 2018.

Stephen was used sparingly too during his tenure.

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Waterford must be the unluckiest team to have ever played the game of hurling. Such a committed group of no nonsense hurlers plagued with the burden of shit managers since 1959, just rotten luck


As I said from the outset, after Cahill threw his players under the bus after the Cork match and the players downed tools against Clare in Ennis the following week, this was only ever going to end one way. Iā€™m surprised it dragged out for nearly two months.

Most of the talk is of Derek coming back. Stephen Molumphy could be in the frame too.

Tipp are rock bottom, only way is up. If he passed up this opportunity, it might not come around again.


You are incorrect mate

Sensible response

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Iā€™d agree with all that.

Commandant Molumphy should be favourite.

He could have taken the job last year if he wanted it so badly.

I admired the way he stuck to his guns last year - i would have felt he made the right call at the time - but since it all blew up in his face, heā€™d be as well off take his beating and lay low for a year or two.

One of his issues last year was Cummins taking the Under 20ā€™s - well Cummins will be there again in 2023 - so it feels like a big climb down from him.

My understanding is that the players compiled a 30 page critique of the management, which didnā€™t contain a critique of themselves. Word that Derek was behind it, unsubstantiated to be fair.

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the players were asked to do a critique on the management, with the managements blessing. Thatā€™s what I heard anyway.

Cahill strikes me as a chap who is too much stick and not enough carrot. That has a short enough shelf life with any group


Easily solved, did it contain a load of flowery language and tangential opening paragraphs?


They passed the test

Anyway in fairness to Cahill heā€™s lucky to get a second crack at the Tipp job and he probably knows that and he probably also knows heā€™s taken Waterford as far as he can.

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