Waterford Hurling (now incorporating intermediate football) 2013 and subsequent years

Louth were back under Mickey Harte

Playing Careers have arcs. If Declan hannon didn’t meet kinnerk and kiely he wouldn’t be remembered. Instead he’s the most successful captain of all time.

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Aussie to centre back? I could see it working

I think he was moved around too much

He should have given a jersey and said that is yours be it 6 or 11

Plus some of the style of hurling waterford play is just kack


Maybe not yet. But they’ll all be mobilising in the next few weeks.

A long stint to Christmas then.

There was a time when any work done pre-Christmas was a bonus, but now if you dont get it done pre-Christmas, it wont get done.

The joy has totally gone of it now with the round-robin in that, instead of a night out after a big Championship game, its a swim in the sea to get ready for another game a week later.

Its a very, very tough 7 or 8 month period from October to June/July to be full time in an Inter County set up.

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so it is said

no wonder lads are jacking

middle of next month be in loads of time

The problem was they already had a rolls royce of a Centre Back in TDB.

All intercounty managers are cunts and county boards are weak bastards. This is all Miltons fault

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He never played centra back in his life

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There you have it, 100%

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Nothing to do with Davy by sounds of things . Gleeson has had his fill of it and had to be coaxed back last year .he’s right to go off and live his life if he’s sick of intercounty hurling .

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Windy they’d call him in Limerick…

I genuinely believe there’s the makings of a serious team below in Waterford but the style is holding them back

No they wouldn’t

They’d a serious group of players the last few years and still do. Window closing though, sad to see. Davy was a terrible appointment for them.

An out and out disaster.

They’ve only another two years of Davy to suffer.

A fabulous natural talent but ultimately a player who didn’t fulfill his potential. A prodigious (but often inaccurate) striker of the ball with a great paw and pace. There was always a bit missing though, which was either hurling intelligence or concentration, which in turn might have had to do with fitness issues.
People remember the great goal against Cork but they forget the free he gave away (stupidly) in the last minute of that game to give Cork the draw and they won the replay. Or in the Munster minor final of 2013 soloing the ball up the field only to lose it and leave a big hole in the middle and Limerick got a goal.
That was the thing with Austin that apart from the 2016 Under 21 campaign he never gave a perfect performance. Waterford fans expected so much from him that when he couldn’t deliver it was a doubly crushing blow. For every amazing point there was a wide from 100 yards.
If he had been able to get out of Gearoid McInerneys pocket in the 2017 final for any period of time in all likelihood we’d have won that game but he couldn’t.
In recent years he has been a distraction I think. Will Austin show up today. What Austin will show up. Will he do something stupid.
A shame really.


He can take comfort in that he’ll always enrage the Tipp crowd with his HOTY