Wedding Etiquette

If he is going to denigrate the entire ranks of the clergy, he could at least learn to spell the word “peado”

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Did you exclude all Princess male family members, they being from Cork and all?

A deacon can’t be a peado?


ok - a confirmed peado.

Dublin has the highest concentration of child sex convictions in Europe.

That only confirms the omertà in Cork that carries on to this day.

It’s the only place in Europe that it’s taken seriously.

Choco is a gas man.

He’ll bend his principles for his princess but by God if you say that layabouts on welfare should move to a part of the country where they can afford rent you’d be a cunt.

Gas ticket with his bendy principles

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These are my principles. If you don’t like them I have others.


Christ above :rollseyes:

One of the “Thems me principles and I’ll change them if you like” brigade

Despite you making stuff up - How is that anyway even related to each other ? Making concessions for the ones you love is part of what makes up a relationship.

Do you think all people on welfare are layabouts?


Tremendous scenes here. Click into the replies to see screenshots of the comments and the bride’s justification.

Looks fake


12k off one Uncle. I need to get better Uncles

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I heard of a story people weren’t even giving a meal at a hotel just sandwiches and a bit of finger food . Imagine doing that to people.

Have I been naive?

I want to believe you. But I don’t believe that black girls twitter

Humourous but it loses believability in the further responses of the bride