Wedding Etiquette

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 966257, member: 24”]

I have never been married but I would like to think that I will get along sufficiently well with the lady I marry (that’s why I would want to marry her in the first place), so that we would be able to discuss this massive outlay of money without letting her do what she wants. Maybe that is being naive but so be it.[/QUOTE]

You sound like the fella out of that TV ad who gets rid of one of the twins because there’s no business reason to keep both of them.

The last few pages of this thread have been hilarious, well done all :clap:

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966288, member: 273”]These are the sorts of things I manage to figure out early days, it’s pretty easy to see into the future based on how other things are handled.
My woman was very clearly from a long way out not at all bothered by material things, hence that’s part if the attraction. Of course I’ll still have to compromise, but that’s what ye seem to be missing, compromise. Which really is the entire basis of a good relationship. She wants a small beach wedding with 8-10 people at it in South WA and also something in Ireland where we do a registry office thing and have a massive party for a day an a half after, nothing plush, just craic.
To be honest why would I even not agree to that?

You should get out soon, the earlier the less painful. There is obviously an imbalance in your relationship which will chip away at you over time. You’ll end up exploding some time when she wins the argument about which fish and chip shop ye go to again on a Sunday evening.
Either that or confront her and tell her you need to balance out the wedding thing in some way. Maybe there is a hit friend or sister you could fuck? That would probably do it for ya.

But don’t let it fester.[/QUOTE]

You are an arrogant, pompous, condescending arsehole of the highest order.

I had the right of it. You went to Australia and now have the Man of the World Syndrome. You’ll end up drinking Beamish on dole day in some shithole down in West Cork

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966288, member: 273”]These are the sorts of things I manage to figure out early days, it’s pretty easy to see into the future based on how other things are handled.
My woman was very clearly from a long way out not at all bothered by material things, hence that’s part if the attraction. Of course I’ll still have to compromise, but that’s what ye seem to be missing, compromise. Which really is the entire basis of a good relationship. She wants a small beach wedding with 8-10 people at it in South WA and also something in Ireland where we do a registry office thing and have a massive party for a day an a half after, nothing plush, just craic.
To be honest why would I even not agree to that?

You should get out soon, the earlier the less painful. There is obviously an imbalance in your relationship which will chip away at you over time. You’ll end up exploding some time when she wins the argument about which fish and chip shop ye go to again on a Sunday evening.
Either that or confront her and tell her you need to balance out the wedding thing in some way. Maybe there is a hit friend or sister you could fuck? That would probably do it for ya.

But don’t let it fester.[/QUOTE]
:D:D:D There’s fucking coffee all over my computer screen, Kev!

[QUOTE=“Esteban de la Sexface, post: 966253, member: 2695”]Women have been the bosses of the Irish house since time immortal kid.

Have you never had a matriarchal Granny? She runs her house, her kids houses, and rears her kids kids, has the dinner up at 5 bells and a plate spare in case anyone calls. Pays the bills, washes the ware, washes the clothes, educates & disciplines.

there is never any fewer than 20 people in the house of a Sunday.[/QUOTE]
Granny wouldn’t have bothered her shite sending out thank you cards.

Not bud woe betide you if you didn’t send her a Christmas card. They’d be hung up on string all over the gaffe.

That’s sound advice to be fair. There’s not a single tiff between couples that can’t be solved by fucking her hot friend or sister. If that doesn’t solve it then offering to fuck her mother is another option.

I think he was telling you to hit her sister, that way it will show the wife you’re not afraid to hit a woman and she’ll toe the line. Its a Cork thing I imagine.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966288, member: 273”]
Either that or confront her and tell her you need to balance out the wedding thing in some way. Maybe there is a hit friend or sister you could fuck? That would probably do it for ya.

What would one do in Tasmania or Cavan, where you would likely be marrying your sister?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966288, member: 273”]These are the sorts of things I manage to figure out early days, it’s pretty easy to see into the future based on how other things are handled.
My woman was very clearly from a long way out not at all bothered by material things, hence that’s part if the attraction. Of course I’ll still have to compromise, but that’s what ye seem to be missing, compromise. Which really is the entire basis of a good relationship. She wants a small beach wedding with 8-10 people at it in South WA and also something in Ireland where we do a registry office thing and have a massive party for a day an a half after, nothing plush, just craic.
To be honest why would I even not agree to that?

You should get out soon, the earlier the less painful. There is obviously an imbalance in your relationship which will chip away at you over time. You’ll end up exploding some time when she wins the argument about which fish and chip shop ye go to again on a Sunday evening.
Either that or confront her and tell her you need to balance out the wedding thing in some way. Maybe there is a hit friend or sister you could fuck? That would probably do it for ya.

But don’t let it fester.[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=“Mac, post: 966282, member: 109”]

So me giving my woman a bit of happiness on the biggest day of her life is me being a weak excuse of a man? Good stuff.[/QUOTE]

I think that’s the whole point. …Its your big day as well . there should really be a bit more in it than that for you…

That’s the thing, Mac thinks he has to act a certain way. He’ll have friends who say all the same immature stupid things for months previous “oh your life is over now”. A clear sign with lads like that, that they are not ready for marriage at all.
It really sounds that he didn’t enjoy his wedding at all. What an awful way to be.

You like yes?

[QUOTE=“Esteban de la Sexface, post: 966297, member: 2695”]You are an arrogant, pompous, condescending arsehole of the highest order.

I had the right of it. You went to Australia and now have the Man of the World Syndrome. You’ll end up drinking Beamish on dole day in some shithole down in West Cork[/QUOTE]
You are completely wrong about me, but I understand the written word can be misleading sometimes. Plus you could do with going back to wherever you lost your sense of humour and picking it up again.
You cunt.


[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966335, member: 273”]That’s the thing, Mac thinks he has to act a certain way. He’ll have friends who say all the same immature stupid things for months previous “oh your life is over now”. A clear sign with lads like that, that they are not ready for marriage at all.
It really sounds that he didn’t enjoy his wedding at all. What an awful way to be.[/QUOTE]

:smiley: :rolleyes:

A clear sign that they are having the craic is all that is.
Do you have friends that say nice things to each other and are there to support each other?

The lads take the piss. Always.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966335, member: 273”]He’ll have friends who say all the same immature stupid things for months previous “oh your life is over now”. A clear sign with lads like that, that they are not ready for marriage at all.
It really sounds that he didn’t enjoy his wedding at all. What an awful way to be.[/QUOTE]

I don’t know if its a clear sign that they are not ready for marriage but it is certainly a clear sign that they are boring mundane pricks who have no personality to come up with something interesting to say.

Probably still think Deginitely Maybe is a great album and don’t rate Radiohead after the Bends too, mate.


do you think they know they are boring mundane pricks or do people just convince themselves they have a great existence? …I’ve often wondered that…