Wedding Etiquette

[QUOTE=“dodgy-keeper, post: 966221, member: 1552”]The cost of weddings really is just ridiculous now. Was at one in April up the country, I wasn’t long out of hospital so couldn’t even have a drink at it.

€100 present, €75 for a shared room in the hotel, €50 on petrol getting there and another €50-€60 buying a few drinks for people at the table etc. On a normal day long session I’d have spent another 100/150.

The thank you cards thing is a strange one. I personally wouldn’t be offended if I never received a thank you card (they invited me to the most important day of their lives, that’s gratitude enough) but some people, particularly women, get very offended if they don’t receive one.[/QUOTE]
They are called cunts.

Well you’ll be marrying one, presumably, so you better get used to it.

[QUOTE="Mac, post: 966215, member: 109
That would be how it works if it was only men involved. I think most lads don’t realise that the day is pretty much all about the woman now and that the groom is just an accessory needed for legal reasons.[/QUOTE]
You have a sad life. Clearly your women is in total control of it you weak excuse of a man.

What if great men like Martin McGuinness just bent over and accepted Catholic disrimination just like you bent over and accepted your missus walking all over you?

No, not all women are self obsessed cunts.
I’m lucky, I knew I didn’t have to hang on to the first rag I met for fear of never getting another. Patience is key, not following the crowd.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966236, member: 273”]No, not all women are self obsessed cunts.

Agree completely.

Shocking to see posters on here trying to excuse their lack of individuality with the clichéd shite ‘ah shur the women get what they want anyway’

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 966243, member: 24”]Agree completely.

Shocking to see posters on here trying to excuse their lack of individuality with the clichéd shite ‘ah shur the women get what they want anyway’[/QUOTE]
It’s bizarre, it’s one of those quirk of tfk that doesn’t add up with general modern irish society.
I wonder does it have to do with the types of careers a lot of the lads here are knee deep in.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 966243, member: 24”]Agree completely.

Shocking to see posters on here trying to excuse their lack of individuality with the clichéd shite ‘ah shur the women get what they want anyway’[/QUOTE]

Myself and herself have made the decision not to get married. Not because we want to be different. Not to save money, or make money. It is simply because we couldn’t be arsed. Might change if we ever had a kid, I don’t know. But up until then we’ll be happy out co-habiting.

How can such an individual as yourself be so worried what the mob are up to at their weddings?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966247, member: 273”]It’s bizarre, it’s one of those quirk of tfk that doesn’t add up with general modern irish society.
I wonder does it have to do with the types of careers a lot of the lads here are knee deep in.[/QUOTE]

Women have been the bosses of the Irish house since time immortal kid.

Have you never had a matriarchal Granny? She runs her house, her kids houses, and rears her kids kids, has the dinner up at 5 bells and a plate spare in case anyone calls. Pays the bills, washes the ware, washes the clothes, educates & disciplines.

there is never any fewer than 20 people in the house of a Sunday.

[QUOTE=“Esteban de la Sexface, post: 966250, member: 2695”]Myself and herself have made the decision not to get married. Not because we want to be different. Not to save money, or make money. It is simply because we couldn’t be arsed. Might change if we ever had a kid, I don’t know. But up until then we’ll be happy out co-habiting.

How can such an individual as yourself be so worried what the mob are up to at their weddings?[/QUOTE]

I am not sure if you are getting at the way that I am trying to protray myself as a ‘I do my own thing and fuck everyone else’ type ‘individual’ who is better than everyone else, because I am not. I am merely discussing something which annoys me about weddings.

I have never been married but I would like to think that I will get along sufficiently well with the lady I marry (that’s why I would want to marry her in the first place), so that we would be able to discuss this massive outlay of money without letting her do what she wants. Maybe that is being naive but so be it.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 966257, member: 24”]I am not sure if you are getting at the way that I am trying to protray myself as a ‘I do my own thing and fuck everyone else’ type ‘individual’ who is better than everyone else, because I am not. I am merely discussing something which annoys me about weddings.

I have never been married but I would like to think that I will get along sufficiently well with the lady I marry (that’s why I would want to marry her in the first place), so that we would be able to discuss this massive outlay of money without letting her do what she wants. Maybe that is being naive but so be it.[/QUOTE]
It’s not, it’s called being smart and waiting for someone mature and compatible with yourself.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 966257, member: 24”]I am not sure if you are getting at the way that I am trying to protray myself as a ‘I do my own thing and fuck everyone else’ type ‘individual’ who is better than everyone else, because I am not. I am merely discussing something which annoys me about weddings.

I have never been married but I would like to think that I will get along sufficiently well with the lady I marry (that’s why I would want to marry her in the first place), so that we would be able to discuss this massive outlay of money without letting her do what she wants. Maybe that is being naive but so be it.[/QUOTE]

ya bud, I took you up wrong originally, apologies. Yerra it is more idealistic than naive. I’ve seen the nicest birds in the world turn into absolute needy, precious cunts in the run up to a wedding. I blame Walt Disney and Hollywood. All the meaning has gone out of it, much like Christmas.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966236, member: 273”]No, not all women are self obsessed cunts.
I’m lucky, I knew I didn’t have to hang on to the first rag I met for fear of never getting another. Patience is key, not following the crowd.[/QUOTE]

I agree that they’re not all self obsessed cunts, but try telling them that you want to organise a wedding ‘your’ way and you’ll probably find yourself ‘not hanging on’ a little bit longer.

[QUOTE=“Esteban de la Sexface, post: 966253, member: 2695”]Women have been the bosses of the Irish house since time immortal kid.

Have you never had a matriarchal Granny? She runs her house, her kids houses, and rears her kids kids, has the dinner up at 5 bells and a plate spare in case anyone calls. Pays the bills, washes the ware, washes the clothes, educates & disciplines.

there is never any fewer than 20 people in the house of a Sunday.[/QUOTE]
No, I grew up in a house that was pretty balanced in that sense. My mother certainly minded the financial side and didn’t really work so it was traditional in that sense. But nothing like you describe, although I did grow up around that, just not in it.

You can find her and she’ll be sound up until ye have the date arranged. You are playing Russian Roulette then.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966232, member: 273”][QUOTE="Mac, post: 966215, member: 109]
That would be how it works if it was only men involved. I think most lads don’t realise that the day is pretty much all about the woman now and that the groom is just an accessory needed for legal reasons.[/QUOTE]
You have a sad life. Clearly your women is in total control of it you weak excuse of a man.[/QUOTE]


So me giving my woman a bit of happiness on the biggest day of her life is me being a weak excuse of a man? Good stuff.

Kev doesn’t have kids but knows better than all the fathers on here how they should be raised.

Kev has never been married but knows exactly how weddings should be done.

These are the sorts of things I manage to figure out early days, it’s pretty easy to see into the future based on how other things are handled.
My woman was very clearly from a long way out not at all bothered by material things, hence that’s part if the attraction. Of course I’ll still have to compromise, but that’s what ye seem to be missing, compromise. Which really is the entire basis of a good relationship. She wants a small beach wedding with 8-10 people at it in South WA and also something in Ireland where we do a registry office thing and have a massive party for a day an a half after, nothing plush, just craic.
To be honest why would I even not agree to that?

You should get out soon, the earlier the less painful. There is obviously an imbalance in your relationship which will chip away at you over time. You’ll end up exploding some time when she wins the argument about which fish and chip shop ye go to again on a Sunday evening.
Either that or confront her and tell her you need to balance out the wedding thing in some way. Maybe there is a hit friend or sister you could fuck? That would probably do it for ya.

But don’t let it fester.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 966257, member: 24”]
I have never been married but I would like to think that I will get along sufficiently well with the lady I marry (that’s why I would want to marry her in the first place), so that we would be able to discuss this massive outlay of money without letting her do what she wants. Maybe that is being naive but so be it.[/QUOTE]
You’re too good to the little lady, lucky girl! :rolleyes:

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 966288, member: 273”]These are the sorts of things I manage to figure out early days, it’s pretty easy to see into the future based on how other things are handled.
My woman was very clearly from a long way out not at all bothered by material things, hence that’s part if the attraction. Of course I’ll still have to compromise, but that’s what ye seem to be missing, compromise. Which really is the entire basis of a good relationship. She wants a small beach wedding with 8-10 people at it in South WA and also something in Ireland where we do a registry office thing and have a massive party for a day an a half after, nothing plush, just craic.
To be honest why would I even not agree to that?

You should get out soon, the earlier the less painful. There is obviously an imbalance in your relationship which will chip away at you over time. You’ll end up exploding some time when she wins the argument about which fish and chip shop ye go to again on a Sunday evening.
Either that or confront her and tell her you need to balance out the wedding thing in some way. Maybe there is a hit friend or sister you could fuck? That would probably do it for ya.

But don’t let it fester.[/QUOTE]

Is she Irish Kev?