Wedding Etiquette

[QUOTE=“Tabby, post: 966459, member: 2142”]That could be why money took over rather than a purely Celtic tiger wealth flaunting thing.
It’s kind of a posher thing to give presents these days I find.
What percentage would be having it off with each other for the first time on the wedding night?[/QUOTE]
You could be right. As regards the percentage I would have no idea. I assume it was very high up to the 1960s and would have started to drop after that. I would imagine it was in inverse correlation to the availability of contraception.

[QUOTE=“Fran, post: 966368, member: 110”]A few home truths about non same-sex Weddings:

95% of Weddings are driven by the decisions of the female, mainly because the majority of males are not too bothered by the whole thing and if it was left up to them you’d never get married. You will on the rare occasion come across a primadonna like @caoimhaoin who will act as the female in the proceedings

The parents of the bride and groom are almost as important as the bride and groom and also see it as their big day to show off the great job they’ve done raring their child. It is very important for them to have their family there, and believe me we tried to fight it but we decided that the path of least resistance would be to bite the bullet and invite them. It turned out to be the right decision as they were the life and soul of the party.

Whether people want to spend €50k on something massive or a few quid on getting married on the beach is entirely up to them and I wouldn’t judge them on it. It’s big business though and so many people get fooled into paying stupid sums of money for shit like invitations, flowers, thank you cards etc.

Giving money as presents is a traditional thing designed to give a couple a leg up as they start out on what’s probably the most financially stressful period of their lives. Personally I think there is too much pressure on people to hand out large sums of cash along with the cost of attending the wedding.[/QUOTE]

Kev’s posts have been reeking of PMT lately.

Would there have been much chat about it among fellas? ie ‘did ya get the ride yet?’ etc. I haven’t chatted about this with my aul lad for some reason

None at all. There would have been a bit of banter in school but amongst grown men, never.

Did you get the lep before your wedding night?

From yer ma, yeah.

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 966149, member: 686”]+1 Mate

Women have a fierce habit of getting caught up in this sort of crack… Thank you cards, wedding invites, christening cards, kids birthday invites, fathers day cards, mothers day cards, valentines cards, sympathy card, good luck cards, hard luck cards, get well soon cards… etc…

What a wagon of shit and a complete waste of hard earned cash.

Its all that’s keeping the Postal service going at this stage.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but it keeps them occupied. Would you prefer if they spent that time trying to “change you”?

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 966243, member: 24”]Agree completely.

Shocking to see posters on here trying to excuse their lack of individuality with the clichéd shite ‘ah shur the women get what they want anyway’[/QUOTE]

When are you getting married yourself farmer? You seem to be getting very excited about this topic.

Best of luck with that.

@Bandage - 200-300

Some amount of shite on here about weddings

@Bandage the shit hot financier looking for justification to scrooge on the present. Man up and give em a grand FFS.

I’d give that two informative ratings if I could. This is a a completely unknown area to my generation I’d imagine. ie sexual attitudes and behaviours among ordinary people of the previous generation.

I am reading a psychology book on and off the last while. It claims only good people get depressed.

@Bandage do you see what you’ve created here?

He’s fucking obsessed.

Does he burst in among the bridesmaids at weddings trying to catch the bouquet?

Typical response of someone who gave in.

Kev, when you’ve walked the walk on getting married, being married and having kids, I’ll respect your opinion. Until then keep on entertaining us with your teenage bullshit. Best wishes to the goddess.

Aroused, most probably.