Wedding Etiquette


England is full of drunk cunts.
Manchester supposed to be poor for stags.

I don’t discriminate mate

You love an aul wedding notice FOD.

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Wasnt Fennell the cunt the rest of the panel wanted fucked out of the squad for doing fuck all and continually picking up the personal appearances?

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Yeah I’m fairly sure that was the scéal. Used to do a terrible show on Phantom radio and tried setting up a business selling womens shoes. A preening moron by my reckoning.

Aye that sounds about right. Got the bullet so as Berno could pick em up instead.

Wasn’t he on Take Me Out?

The Irish one I hope? Never seen either though.

What’s the going rate if attending the wedding of a forumite? 20 notes?

We get sculptures commissioned for forumites weddings.



Thought so too, they’re being a bit generous with the term “long term love” there.

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Attending the wedding of an ex fling. Going rate?


I was leaning towards €100 but i’ll take your advice on board.

A ton is loads buddy if yer on your own

Not going alone, the life partner is coming.

ah here, I wouldn’t wipe my arse with €100