Wedding Etiquette

I live the way the wicker sets off that flooring.

Present from me ma.

Stick twenty notes in. Job done.

Need a gift value check on a wedding next week. Here lie the particulars;

  1. T’wud be a good friend from secondary school and college. I’d only have met her once or twice. I’m a groomsman.

  2. I haven’t brought the missus :smiley:

  3. The weddings in Malta, so I’d say he got a decent price.

4.Can I offset my flight expenses to travel (not far off €2k) against the value of my gift?

Thanks gang.

You hungry cunt.

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I’ll take that as a yes.

get them a gift cert from

sure if they fucked up once they are likely to do it again

Yes you can offset the travel expenses. Send them a bill for €1500 in the post


Here we are. Onsale at work today :+1:

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Normal rules apply here Chucks-gift value = cost of getting there *1.5 so that’s gonna run you about 3 grand, bitch.

Jameson being served at the reception here. Proper order.


Never ends well. Lads who’d never normally touch it, lashing it into themselves


The cunt will be up roarin “rock me momma” in the next hour.


They wont even have started the meal


We’re back!!!


Bit early for top shelf alright

At a wedding a couple of years ago the reception drink was prosecco or Jameson . Everyone was bananas


I remember another poster on here got married in a very popular church which was double booked on the day so the mass was earlier than usual. Everyone was back in the hotel for the drinks reception by 2. More carnage.

Fucking mojitos at one I was at. Pretty much everybody was langers before 6 of clock, an awful lot were in bed before midnight, stupid idea.

There was an electric atmosphere following the whiskey reception alright and many flew too close to the sun but seasoned veterans like myself knew our limits and never made that third trip to the table.