Well Holy God

Am hearing that Mick Lally has passed away. RIP Miley.


Has he been sick?

I recall something about cancer a few years ago but I dont see mention of it anywhere. He died in hospital acc to reports, 64 years of age.

I’d like to point out we at TFK broke this story 1 minute before RTE.ie


Terrible news.

RIP Mick. I always hoped RTE would have brought back Glenroe in the last few years.

Shite news. Mick was a true alright sort.

Sad news alright.

Anyone have him in Celebrity Deaths 2010?

Rip Mick. The original Miley.

Miriam Interview with Mick carried out in March


Nice guy by all accounts. Played football with his son a few times in a star-studded team.

One of the few people in Ireland that can claim to be known by almost everyone.

I saw him once getting off a train in Connolly Station with a pair of tattered jeans, dirty denim jacket and mud stained boots. He carried a rucksack on his back. No airs or graces about him anyway.

RIP Mick.

Hands up here who’s seen Mick on a bike tipping through Dublin? You’d see him around Portobello there the whole time back in the day. Used to like a pint and a smoke did Mick, remember bumping into him in the Portobello years ago.

friend of mine worked on glenroe set for many years and had great time for lally, would arrive in on a high nelly, scruffy as fuck, no airs nor graces while many others had.

Meet him in Stables in UL one day, I think he had a show on in the Concert Hall that night, he came in around 3 or 4 and had a few pints of porter and plenty of banter with the students. A truly alright sort.

I walked past the Tivoli only a week or 2 back and people were exiting after watching a play with Mick and Mary McEvoy as the main characters. I’m pretty sure it was due to run for a while yet.

Going on the comments above, he seemed to have summed up everything that is good about a true Irish gentleman.

RIP Mick.

You said it Phil, a true Irish gentleman and a legend of UCG.

The bed of heaven to him.

RIP Mick

How long before Flano comes in and tries to upset the apple cart.