Wexford GAA 2008

[quote=“Gman”]his reactions dont deserve to be talked about. He nudged into bellews back and Bellew didnt react as he had been nudging and hitting Forde all game. Forde wasnt in his face smiling, he was smiling away from Bellew. It was a nothing incident. He didnt say anything to Bellew either when he nudged him.

And to say Forde gets a different reaction because of where he is from? That is shite. 3 years later and he is still answering questions from the media over the stamping incident in the Offaly game. He was hounded that year, and has been targeted since. Armagh people and all the last day calling him a dirty stamping bollix. His profile is the biggest on the wexford team and he is targeted by players and fans alike. And he nudged into the back of the player at him all game and you compare it to the goading of the Dublin players last year?[/quote]

I was at the dublin match last year…it wasn’t goading…it was a reaction to physical abuse…maybe thats what forde was doing…thats not the issue…I’m saying highlight them all or don’t highlight any…

I was at it too and I’ll argue that point every second of the day. Physical abuse my arse, what physical abuse did Kevin Bonner get? There is no similarity between what Mattie done and what the Dublin players got up to last year. None.

I just checked the Sellotanta website to see when our game’s repeated and it says it’s on tomorrow evening at 6pm. I definitely read elsewhere that it was on tonight and the Sellotanta website’s blatantly been wrong before. Can anyone shed some light on this?

tomorrow according to NTL digital

yeah I have it down to record on the sky plus for 5.30 as far as I can remember. Recorded it saturday too, but god damn electricity went out for about an hour, so it only got the last 3 minutes or so of the game. Had lads ringing and texting from home at the pub trying to find out the score.

Hook, line and sinker - relax there will you! I’d say even farmer wouldnt have fallen for that one.

But by the way you made direct reference to Forde and then direct reference to the Dublin game last year and their goading of the opposition. Bonner was one of those Dubs. Will I draw a diagram of it for you?

[quote=“Mac”]Hook, line and sinker - relax there will you! I’d say even farmer wouldnt have fallen for that one.

But by the way you made direct reference to Forde and then direct reference to the Dublin game last year and their goading of the opposition. Bonner was one of those Dubs. Will I draw a diagram of it for you?[/quote]

how is it hook line and sinker?..your post was a dig Kevin bonner…i didn’t try to defend his honour in any way so it obviously didn’t offend me…I just drew your attention to the fact i never mentioned kevin bonner…

If you read my posts so thoroughly I actually said Dublin players who took physical abuse…you’ve acknowledged that bonner didn’t take any so how cud i be talking about him???..i’m not having a go at forde for his actions I’m just highlighting in general terms how similar incidents are treated in different ways…i’m not belittling matty forde in any way…just using it as an example…similarily like dara o Se seems to be allowed throw a punch every match he plays without sanction…

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Also saying that Forde was the victim of a witchhunt for stamping on yer man’s head is ever so slightly biased. He got what he deserved and proably deserved more.

I was the one who brought this up, saying how Forde isnt treated differently. He got a 3 month suspension and the thing dragged on for months and years. He did his time but isnt allowed to let it go. 3 months fo what he claims he didnt intend, and while I personally think it was stupid and petulant, it didnt cause O’Sullivan of offaly any injury and wasnt a forceful act. Dont see how in the current situation of suspensions you think it warranted more.

As i said, forde has to bear the tag of a stamper and have people tarnish his name and call him all sorts at games. He gets some amount of abuse from fans at matches, a lot of it he dosent help with by having stupid digs at players as they pass off a ball, but the majority of it is unwarranted. During the Meath game, he had the whole terrace singing he is a wanker, and he had barely touched the ball at that stage. Why was he singled out? Armagh fans calling him all sorts and calling him a cheat, a tramp and a stamper after the game on saturday.

[quote=“Mac”]Will admit the wind up was lame but I have to laugh at the way that farmer comes in asking me to explain it. (ps - this isn’t a wind up!)

The likes of Shefflin, O S, Bellew, and up to this year Galvin all seemed to be players that were untouchable by refs. Bit by bit though the tide is turning.[/quote]

moynihan was the original…cud do anything…absolutely raped big corkery in croker one day…you had to see it to believe it…had the jersey torn off corkery…corkery finally snapped and got the line…

Tommy Walsh is another one actually I knew I left out. Finally got blew up this year for that free he always gives away under a high ball. Only because of Gizzy Lyngs honesty and the ref being a cop out he wasnt sent off for the dirtiest pull I’d seen in a long time.

Ah now sure we all know butter wouldn’t melt in little Tommy’s mouth…

Gardiner is going that way too…


  1. You give out about Bonner looking for a row - what about Rory Stafford launching into Ciaran Whelan?


have you not read the official handbook FITC ?

whelan is to be targetted by any sub coming onto midfield

I really hope it’s a kerry dub final cos I can’t wait to see big man whelo go hiding again when big dara comes looking for him

as for your point about forde, what forde did was inexcusable and the punishment was absolutely correct. however, every week during the summer we see worse things by that by lads from the bigger counties that g unreported or unpunished, eg DOS on joe canning

going that way ?

has always been a dirty hurler, going for high balls he will try to play the hand of his opponent, i.e break it or throw a hurl or throw dirty digs

Yea well done Matty, despite being subject to both physical and verbal abuse on Saturday he refused to lash out and let his football do the talking instead. Smile he should. I’m sure saint Francis will get over it.

[quote=“Mac”]Will admit the wind up was lame but I have to laugh at the way that farmer comes in asking me to explain it. (ps - this isn’t a wind up!)

Mac - you had no wind-up. It wasn’t lame, it was non existant.

Good man farmer

Yeah - you’re the man Mac…

Always have to get the last word in don’t you??

scumpot, your talking about dara o se getting away with it in matches… i suppose ciaran whealan is mother theresa is he? Dirtiest prick to walk on to a football field.