Wexford GAA 2008

Ah right, thought some of the bigger lads would get a go at it being as Boylan would favour a fairly physical approach, Trevor Brennan in the back room team etc

i see the lads on wexfordsupporters are saying Myler got the bullet? any truth in the rumour or is just a wind up?

Hadn’t heard anything until I read your post padjo - the lads on the Wexford Supporters’ site are now saying that Newstalk confirmed it earlier on Off The Ball. I was watching something on Celtic TV but I have OTB on now. They’re interviewing Sen Boylan at the moment but I’ll confirm when I hear something. Wouldn’t be displeased if it’s true - I’ll put it that way.

Confirmed on the Irish Times website:

Last Updated: Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 19:20

Wexford part company with Meyler

Wexford have joined the managerial merry-go-round after it emerged that John Meyler will not be in charge of the county’s hurlers next year. Meyler had been in charge for two years and it was expected he would be reappointed at a meeting of the county board later this month.

However, in a brief statement released this evening, the county board announced that Meyler’s name “would not be going forward for the position” of hurling manager and wished him well in the future.

2008 The Irish Times

IMO, due to the unlikliehood of attracting a high-calibre candidate from outside the county (any hurling version of Jason Ryan out there?), it’s time for one of the boys of '96 to step up to the plate.

[quote=“Menapian”]Confirmed on the Irish Times website:

Last Updated: Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 19:20

Wexford part company with Meyler

Wexford have joined the managerial merry-go-round after it emerged that John Meyler will not be in charge of the county’s hurlers next year. Meyler had been in charge for two years and it was expected he would be reappointed at a meeting of the county board later this month.

However, in a brief statement released this evening, the county board announced that Meyler’s name “would not be going forward for the position” of hurling manager and wished him well in the future.

2008 The Irish Times

IMO, due to the unlikliehood of attracting a high-calibre candidate from outside the county (any hurling version of Jason Ryan out there?), it’s time for one of the boys of '96 to step up to the plate.[/quote]

time to get in someone who’s not afraid of the CB and to call things ike they are IMHO
myler did a lot better than the maggot and there were signs of progress, you’d have to wonder about the WD game if we had a full panel.
the club games have to happen as per the original schedule and we have to look at what KK are doing. become yur enemy

I thought he was a pretty poor manager but now he’s gone the natural inclination will be for people to feel sorry for him and say he got a raw deal. As I said, I’m not disappointed that he’s being replaced. But the key point is, who’s going to want to replace him? I can’t see any outsiders being interested so the onus does fall on the 1996 lads to step up to the plate. Having seen Liam Dunne and Tom Dempsey flounder on the line on more than one occasion when in charge of the minors this season, I don’t know if they’re ready for it.

Maybe we could poach Justin from under Limericks nose!

4 little rats met wit ger doyle and thats what decided the outcome

Player power Gavin?

Name names and I’ll send you a TFK hoodie and an ounce of cocaine.

You seem to know me bandage so you can guess how i know. Out of the 4, i reckon you would guess three because they seem to think there bigger than they actually are.

Nobody’s immediately springing to mind Gavin but when the management and players had a lengthy meeting in the aftermath of the championship exit, I thought that the air was fully cleared and both sides were happy to continue on for another year. I know the more senior players spoke out in favour of management, while some of the younger squad members kept their counsel. I can only assume some of these lads who didn’t have the guts to speak up in front of everyone went to the County Board subsequently.

I think it’s wrong what has been done. I know many people including you did not like the management but i just think it was wrong. To have said yes you are carrying on as a unit a couple of months ago and then to turn around behind the managements back have a meeting and decide against having them and then to tell them over the phone or whatever they done, it’s a joke. I hope no one takes it on now and they’ll realise how tough it really is.
I’m really annoyed.

Would any of them be from Oulart?


Wexford dispose of Meyler

John Meyler and his backroom team have been sensationally relieved of their posts with Wexford.

Meyler apparently met with County Chairman Ger Doyle on Tuesday morning.

After a discussion Meyler was sacked as Wexford hurling supremo along with his backroom team.

Wexford GAA released a statement on Tuesday evening outlining that John Meyler was no longer the County’s hurling Manager.

Doyle had met with four players from each of the hurling and football teams on Monday night to discuss the year and proposed plans for holidays and the 2009 season.

One of the selectors said last night that he was totally stunned when informed of the decision.

‘I was contacted by John around 1p.m. today (Tuesday). He asked if I was sitting down, then going on to inform me that we were sacked. I was totally taken aback and stunned. No one from the County Board has telephoned me. Only for John I would not know we are gone.’

It looked as if Meyler was about to embark on his third term in charge Wexford GAA.

Meyler had agreed a two-year term with an option of a third year.

After the Waterford defeat he received the full backing of his players at a specially convened meeting the following week with Meyler giving every indication that he was about to take up the option of a third year in charge.

This will be looked upon as a major setback to hurling in the county, for Meyler had revamped the squad in his two years in charge.

Meyler was confidently expected to set out on a third year in charge, giving no indication that he was considering stepping down when discussing Wexfoird hurling last week.

County Board Chairman, Ger Doyle, had indicated at the last County Board meeting that he still had to meet the respective senior managers, informing the meeting that he hoped this process would take place over the following 10 days to two weeks.

While Meyler had been under increasing pressure following the devastating defeats to Kilkenny in league and Championship, he met the same fate as many other inter-county managers when pitted against the Cats.

Wexford lost their All-Ireland quarter-final to Waterford by just a single point and it looked as if Meyler’s charges had turned the corner.

Meyler had already begun to plan for the 2009 league and Championship campaign so his sacking will come as a huge blow to hurling in the county.

Meyler was not contactable for comment as he was attending lectures last night while no Wexford GAA Official could be contacted. It’s believed a special meeting of the Management Committee took place Tuesday night.

Now the hunt will begin for a new Manager which could prove a huge obstacle to overcome for whoever is given the onerous task.

Babs Keating for wexford…

Meanwhile, on the lighter side of the news…


Anyone hear Meyler on the radio this morning? Didn’t hear it myself but he was on RT at half eight and they were suggesting he was fairly raging beforehand. A player revolt apparently.

[quote=“Newportwex”]Meanwhile, on the lighter side of the news…


Its not like anybody else wants it…

I heard he was going to be on but don’t have radio on my mp3 player so missed it. That’s what we were discussing last night Rocko - it was a small cabal (what a word - hopefully used in the correct context) of players that made private representations to the Chairman. This came a couple of months after the championship exit when Meyler, the rest of the management team and all the players had a clear the air / debriefing meeting and everyone was challenged to speak and raise any issues they had. It was broadly agreed at that meeting that they’d collectively give it another year but certain players who refused to air their opinions back then have seemingly been plotting in the background since. So it’s a pretty divisive issue and the players are likely to be split over it too - as far as I know, there wasn’t a private players’ meeting where it was unanimously agreed to push for his removal or anything like that. It appears to be a small group of disaffected players going off on a solo run (excuse the pun).

Hadn’t read up the page so didn’t know ye were speculating on it first.

Heard Meyler on Off the Ball on Newstalk on Monday night talking about Galway in Leinster (he was against it). McDevitt asked him what the players thought of the move and he said “I haven’t spoken to any of the players in a couple of weeks. They’re busy with the club championships at the moment so I haven’t had any meetings with the players as a result.” He’d obviously no idea at that stage what was down the road.

Pretty harsh way for it to happen if people weren’t brave enough to say it at a “clear the air” meeting.