Wexford GAA 2012


Iā€™d say Paddy Byrne is in with a shout for a start on the wing after his good showing against Longford off the bench.


a full back i am notā€¦

team id like

masterson (needs to be definite coming off the line, cost us the leageu and leinster final not staying put)
malone ( needs to simply mark his man, no need to hare up and down the field all day)
molloy ( stick to what he does best)
mutley( has played well anytime ive seen him this year, if hes fit and can cut out the fouls)
chin (very strong) if not a little naive but would be a good man for breaking ball which longford tend to do a lot
murphy (needs to hold the centre, people go on that his legs are gone for barden, barden is 32)
Flynn ( a competent man marker if needed as shown marking a brogan last year againt the dubs0
waters ( need to stop kicking the ball, get possession and use it intelligently)
quinlivan (if he rediscover his form from the start of last year it would be great)
byrne ( has impressed lately, strong on the ball and v. direct capable of beating his man everytime and creating an overlap)
bradley ( needs to try occupy the centre back, tires to carry far too much ball)
red ( need him to cover evey inch of grass on the pitch, good passer needs to hit in good early ball)
lyng ( needs more workrate)
banville (as above0
brosnan (hopefully has lost a few pounds and freetaking is back to its best, work rate can also be questioned)

waht killed us the last day was changes on the line, been a problem thoughout ryans tenure too slow to make a move, cost us a few games. hoping for a good start.

Heā€™s injured according to some article on Hogan Stand yesterday.

Ah right. Missed that.

The team was supposed to be posted on the Wexford GAA site by lunch time, no sign yet though.

Iā€™ve heard David Murphy is struggling with injury and very unlikely to start so there is a big decision to be made at centre back. Bandage, as a Sarsfields man, do you think Chin would be suited to a man marking job on Barden? I donā€™t think our other wing backs are suited to following someone like Barden for 70 minutes and the likes of Molloy and Malone are needed for the full back line.

i think flynn might do the job monkey, if hes told to do that exclusively.

strange to see so few representing the co. champs

Flynn is good enough to do it alright but his attacking play from wing back is also important to the team. He is getting a lot of scores from there this year.
He probably will be picked centre back but not sure Iā€™d want him to do a man marking job.

There could even be less from the county champs too, as PJ is not certain to start either.

Lee Chin in for David Murphy. Colm Morris and PJ Banville dropped from league final and Conor Carty and Shane Roche come in.

An enforced change at centre back - I would expect Flynn to play in the centre with Chin on the wing. I advocated the selection of Carty on the Wexford Supporters site so Iā€™m satisfied enough with that move. Not convinced about the other change - a knowledgeable football man told me that Banville is in the bad books for playing in the Wexford & District Soccer Cup Final recently.

Banville is being punished alright but two other players who played soccer most of the season are starting.
He was told three weeks ago he wouldnā€™t be starting this game.

Strange to single out one player for punishment when the two other players were accommodated.

Who are the other purveyors of the foreign game? Adrian Flynn and who?

I believe Lee Chin played for Wexford Bohs and the Wexford League team in the Oscar Traynor competition.

Also a lot of the squad were playing hurling for their clubs the same day that Banville played the Cup Final.

Lot more to that banville story than meets the eyeā€¦ Will send pms to those who wantā€¦

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Of course, yeah. Chin plays association football all the time.

The football is only a distraction for the main event in Tullamore on Saturday night, however.

Iā€™ll take a PM.

FFS sake. The fucking internet.

PM passed onto you pal.

Iā€™ll take a PM too.

Anyway, the forwards will have to up their work rate from league final. A lot of the problems came from the Longford defenders attacking without being tackled.

Donā€™t you fucking dare.