
About half an hour between those locations mac, cullenstown near carrig on bannow and adamstown mid county, not too far from padjo there. I haven’t a clue how bad it was around here. I saw the lifeboat deployed out this way alright and the 117 copter out too, but didn’t stir far so no idea how bad it was around.

Jaysus ye got a right lashing, no warning at all?

a yellow warning, ie a damp day. Worst flooding I’ve seen in my lifetime, I’d say Enniscorthy will get a right doing at high tide (10 pm)

Looking bad,again, in Enniscorthy.
Considering the frequency of severe serious weather warnings did Met Éireann drop the ball a bit here?

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Similar scenes in north Wexford. I had to attempt several routes before I could make my way home today, several routes impassable. I’ve never seen rain like it. Weather warnings clearly a joke.

@TreatyStones certainly did

It’s only Wexford


I live a mile from Bridgetown, worst flooding I can remember, worst since 1959 apparently, we weren’t effected too much but 9 houses evacuated in Bridgetown village apparently.

Local bridges went in Wilton and Kilcarbery overnight @Mac

Apparently car park in riverside hotel in Enniscorthy flooded again

That place is only a cod.

That area was well known for flooding

There had been talks for, I’d say, 20+ years about flood relief work

Time to look up @Mac ?

The clue is in the name


That site used to often flood in the 90s before the hotel was built. Amazing they got planning #floodplain

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It’s spelled “codd” in Wexford.

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Drone footage of Enniscorthy on Wexford Weeklys Facebook

That looks fine, what the fuck are ye crying about.

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@Mac is this over their twitter account

SIPO investigation finds against Wexford County Council chief executive Tom Enright