
World Champion Ploughmen.


That’s gone badly wrong for Kehoe’s. They should’ve just gone ahead with it and said nothing, Twitter is def not the place to be posting that kinda stuff. I’d wholeheartedly agree with what they did, in rural areas roads are closing in because lads are afraid of their shit some curtain twitcher will report them for cutting back a bit of a ditch to make it safer for everyone. Some above mentioned curtain twitcher reported me last year for knocking out a bit of a ditch and the next day some fucker with a clipboard arrived into the field to investigate this crime against the environment. A week earlier a bachelor up the road was broken into and the cops were nowhere to be seen for 3 days. The clipboard ended up on top of a hape bushes in the middle of the field


Is it Key-hoe or K-yo

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they are the former

This was in the leader last week, although this seems to be more a case of the farmer being a stubborn fucker.

Ah he’s just stubborn and wouldn’t cut the ditch. There’s exemptions to cutting ditches outside of the nesting season and production of foodstuff would surely come under one of those exemptions. I was in Wexford during the week and noticed a HSE building under construction. Approx 500m of a full grown ditch had recently been removed which didn’t appear to be hindering the construction in anyway. The building is a long way from being finished so not sure if it was an urgent or safety issue.

These fuckin “Bee friendly” verges are dangerous too.
The council ended up having to cut a few of them around our way because you couldn’t see onto the road when pulling out of crosses.
Most of time it’s just an excuse for the council to be lazy.


no point crying over it.

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That would be some way to stick it to the Brits. Mandate all European exports to UK transit through this. Put a serious chokehold on them.

Time to buy land in rosslare with a mind to 50 years from now…

Just drove from my gaff to the parents, awful flooding, never seen the like. Not sure we will make it back, bonkers stuff

Clearly not the same stretch of road, sake.


cc @padjo

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Is that the same stretch as here @padjo or have we lost 2 roads??

They should have taken the roads in.


Never seen rain like it in a single day before (although I think I said the same about 4 weeks ago)

There literally hasn’t been a drop of rain in the sunny mid West today. Living in the floody South East must be tough going

Fucking hell, takes some amount of water to take a bridge out like that.

not sure @Mac

Rescue helicopter in Bridgetown today

Should have been a red weather warning in Wexford today with the rain that fell and the damage done

This lad’s twitter is good for following the flooding https://twitter.com/byrne_padraig