
You should drive down there and go into the pub and tell them what you think of them.

They really appreciate a bit of honesty like that.

5 of us are heading down on Saturday…

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Ah good.

Make sure and open with the fact that you studied History for 15 years at a Catholic Girl’s school in Limerick. They love intellectualism as well.


Droopy, B-man — i’ll sort the lot of em.

You do know @Gman is Droopy don’t you?

Wexford appears to becoming the new Cork.

It’s Gorey. Draw a line south of the town to encompass Courtown as well and you may as well call it Dublin south.

thats why i moved to dublin, to get away from the dubs


Certainly not Dublin South :laughing:


It’s be a stretch to call it Dublin west…

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dublin 26

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I think that describes it better


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That’s a big blow for Cork, but great news for ferry passengers on the East Coast.


Opportune timing given Ireland’s inevitable play-off success will confirm a Euro 2020 clash against Spain in Bilbao.


Big win for haulage too and local candidate Verona Murphy.

South East Coast is going to be the number one destination for the Spanish to enjoy their summers and escape the inferno that is Spain in July and August… They will mix with all the South dublin families who base themselves in the south east…in next 10 years I can see the southeast being the number one destination…

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It all kicked off about 200 yards from our gate. Gardai all over a field across the road from us looking for something at the moment

did you offer your assistance as a sniffer hound?

Unfortunately my hooter doesn’t stretch across the Atlantic.