What am I doing to stop Climate change

I assume tunnel/Bridge needed. In 40 years time we might we an extension to cork/limerick

Tony will block the trains on the tracks. A social distancing specialist on every train stopping me drink cans

Que storyā€™s of lads flying to Paris from knock to get trains to the AI in dublin to see mayo lose.

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When those barbarous cunts were practicing all kinds of voodoo and black magic it was the Irish that went out across Europe and set up centres of learning and culture and illuminated the barbarian mind ā€¦ most of the oldest universities in Europe stem from Irish origins ā€¦ Our weakness for drink and stick fighting left us divided and ripe for later invasion otherwise weā€™d probably be ruling europe right now.

We could have been anything only we couldnā€™t stay away from the drink.

Time to stop the fucking around, we need a tunnel to San Sebastian, stat, back to our Iberian roots

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As have the Egyptians, the Indians not so much

I once travelled overnight from Switzerland down to Florence, I genuinely thought I was going to suffocateā€¦there was no ventilation, the heat was deadly, the windows were jammed and there were no staff in the carriage.
So itā€™s a bad idea, whatever it is


Lads think theyā€™re Cary Grant when they are more Grant Mitchell.

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I think the Germans are proposing some sort of watercraft route be implemented between Dublin and Holyhead.

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As present there is no railway line there


is there one between Copenhagen and Hamburg? i think the dotted line is a ferry- weā€™re being fucked

Iā€™ve no idea

Iā€™d be stunned if there wasnā€™t at least a line or lines already there, whether a Hamburg - Copenhagen train is running or not I donā€™t know.

I remember standing on a platform somewhere in the rural outskirts of Berlin. Iā€™d just arrived from Dublin on the last flight before the airport was closed due to snow. There was a good foot of snow on the platform, it was cold, dark and desolate. Iā€™d arranged to phone a bidness associate upon arrival. Unfortunately my phone was on the blink, but as a precaution Iā€™d packed a spare. While I was swapping over the sim card a high speed train rushed past on the adjacent track. It flung hapes of snow at least fifty feet into the air and down upon me and my sim card. ā€˜Luckilyā€™ half an hour sifting powderey snow was all it took to get in contact with said associate.

High speed trains are a pure curse.

Gee, Glenshane did an inter rail once.

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I spent my summers working on the oul lads farm, out of the goodness of my heart etc. Iā€™m still at it, heā€™s not far off 90 and Iā€™m starting to think he takes my good nature for granted

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Imagine how heā€™d get on having to use public transport outside the 1st world ā€¦ the poor crater.

We donā€™t have trainlines in the dark north.