What am I doing to stop Climate change

You can have them, keep your grants and still graze with sheep. You need to be within 3km of a sub station or the big boys don’t want to know.

You’ll see more and more of them.

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Is solar not a heap of shite. Or was I lied to in Michael Moore’s most recent documentary !

A complete farce as set out in that doc

Compared to what though? There is no real quick fix replacement for oil/gas

You’d be far better getting the sun to grow trees, then burn the trees…

Biogas can replace gas without changing any infrastructure

What are you making the gas from?

Bios keep up

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What’s @iron_mike doing is he still burning rubbish and buying diesel guzzling SUVs?

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Slaughtering cattle as well chief. None of this lab meat shit. Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


That’s a fine looking feed

I’ll be snoring by 3 o’clock tomorrow. Inlaws and outlaws coming for the Sunday roast

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Slurry pits, landfills, industrial runoff from brewerys and wastewater treatment plants (we need to build more anyway). We have the ability to produce a good chunk of it already and combine several environmental issues into one solution

Wave energy is the way lads. Until fusion comes along, but that’s fifty years away yet.

Won’t solve the issue on its own. It will be part of the mix alright.

We are getting great usage out of wind, but gas is the best option for the base load as wind fluctuations. Natural gas can be also switched easily if we want to be carbon neutral and all that. Few other bits needed to but its a handy option without massive investment into infrastructure and can reduce the emissions from agricultural that has been unfairly targeted by green agenda

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This is the only way to save the planet . Fracking is the future

Agriculture is around for milliua yet is now called out for climate change. We need to eat too. Transport and energy production is where reduction has to happen but collecting biogas in a Agriculture setting is win win. Reduction of gas directly into atmosphere and another firm of income for farmers of a current waste product

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To get reasonable biogas yields from an anaerobic digester I think you need something like maize in there. Can use food waste too but it’s trickier.

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