What am I doing to stop Climate change

Food vs Energy debate kicks off all over again.

Pretty much - although a greener version. At least you’re growing the energy in this instance

Not eating meat is one of the best decisions I made in my life… Just living without the guilt of knowing I’m not killing the planet with my choice of food is worth it.

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I’m not well versed on what would give better yields but I have read that the waste from alcohol production can be used, waste food from household brown bins can produce some, this is all waste we already produce. We can import anymore we need like we currently do with natural gas

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This must be the third time now you’ve saved the planet with this major lifestyle choice

You’re turning more into a Cark cunt every post


Are you blindboy boatclub?

Do you eat avocados

Not anymore.

Ballyragget in 20 years time.


Fifi making a mint


Pure gravy

Agriculture of today with all it’s terrible practices is terrible for the planet

People are turning away from meat and with lab grown meat on the way it’s time farmers upped their game

Ah it’s a lovely part of the country up there.
Have those few stones fallen yet? They’re hanging on a good few years now.

What’s lab grown meat made from?

I wouldnt say lab will completely eliminate agricultural, I’m guessing no one on this forum has had lab grown meat yet, but I imagine it will be close but not same. Like the difference between shed bred beef and pastured beef. But biogas could be a string in the bow of farmers to become more environmentally friendly. Just to note I live in a rural area but know fuck all about farming


Still going strong kid

What are the raw materials? It’s very difficult to find out…some cells, carbohydrates and amnio acids. All sounds lovely…

Stem cells