What Climate Crisis?

Be grand. Relax mate.

Wood chip??:grin::joy:

Over 4000 truck loads drawing a single ship load all the way to Offaly and ye simpletons think that’s great.

Deluded ye are​:grin::grin:

That and general planning of building etc.

There always been rain but when you build roads & homes where water has always run away from, then you can expect problems in heavy rain

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How’s the heatwave going in Ireland lads? 2 weeks of good weather in may and the usual suspects thought it was the end of humanity :sweat_smile:


Apparently the climate is changing. If it goes on much longer we’ll have to start employing weather forecasters


How stupid or contrarian would you have to be to deny climate change? :joy:

TFK has a lot to answer for in its promotion of ‘free thinkers’ who all think the same :grinning:


How stupid were you when you said the vaccine was safe, effective and prevented transmission? Not only that but you sneered at anyone who said otherwise…

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You’re making stuff up again, Jesus Christ :joy:

You were even preaching about healthcare workers no taking it.

They keep such an open mind their brains have fallen out.


What does any of this have to go with climate change, I refer you to your previous post which is a bare faced lie, I probably did say that healthcare workers should have been vaccinated, I mean that’s a no brainer :man_shrugging:

But again I don’t see how it’s relevant, you’re a strange fish, took exception to my saying that Derry would lose and responded with something about an American pop star, now this :joy:

No, i took exception to you setting yourself up as some sort of authority. You think you’d learn from being wrong in the past?

You don’t have to be an authority on everything, the experts can take of that, if you’re a natural contrarian then there’s nothing I can do to help,

But I’ll post away if it alright with you :joy:


This is the headbanger who completely dismisses the people who are authorities on science and instead forms his opinions on scientific matters from what he hears on a steroids and pot podcast hosted by a guy who covered himself in donkey semen. :grinning:


this sums up the TFK awkward squad pretty well


The minute one of you sheep explains how 450ppm parts of co2 relates to climate change then I’m all ears

Did you not hear that some lad in Athenry was thinking of lighting the fire at the weekend?

Global climate change is a cod

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