What Climate Crisis?

I sure there will soon be yet another tax on something soon, yes. Drink or fags or fatty food or staying up late or not washing your hands after a piss or something


Not surprising that the lads who were all talk about housing Ukrainians are now clutching their pearls about temperature in the med. Chill out lads.

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And not one of the virtue signalling wankers took a Ukranian in themselves.


They were even firing up pictures of the junk room asking lads would it be suitable :smile:

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yes, SUVs should be taxed out of existence & the Carbon tax should be upped so it actually makes a difference & the polluter actually is hit hard, airline fuel should also be taxed

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Considering it’s currently 40 degrees c in Majorca I’m not sure he or his meteorologist friend know their arse from their elbow :man_shrugging:

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This clip must be 15 years old. The idea global warming is a fad or a new craze is nonsense.

None of the climate alarmists dire predictions ever come to pass. You’re working yourself up into a lather over nothing.

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I wouldn’t say I’m worked up at all but there seems
To be a massive change in weather patterns.

CUVs, not SUVs mate

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Crossover Utility Vehicles is the correct term according to some wag on the wireless this morning. SUVs should be reserved for Utes and the likes

cheers bro

Geraldine Herbert maybe?

cagers making cars to big for car parking spaces

Until such time as we get a storm similar to that one we saw in The Day After Tomorrow then I’m out too. If it does happen then I’m still out cos it’ll be a cold storm.

Grand. As I said, ask @Ambrose_McNulty or listen to the clip yourself. Then tell the qualified meteorologist that you know more than him

Who said the meteorologist denied climate change? That’s a bizarre take. He was commenting on a bit of weather out in Italy and the med.

OK, this ‘qualified meteorologist’ seems to have been brought on just to talk about todays weather, how he ended up in a debate on climate change I’m not quite sure,

Glad we sorted that

Keith Redmond the Sutton dentist first in to have a pop at her in the replies.

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@Juhniallio loves him iirc

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