What Climate Crisis?

The heat 400 odd miles away is really getting to lads

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The lads are refreshing the YR app every hour to see how it’s going.

Eddie Hobbs has come out and said climate change is being exaggerated. That has to give the theory some credence surely.


Eddie has been doing his own research, very unwise in this day and age.

Wouldn’t you know it.


The Impressionable Squad will be on to you now…Not huge fans of facts iirc.

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This is what happens when the cabbage heads get into power. Nearly destroyed the country.

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Yep, cows are not the issue here. The people who’ve been conditioned to think that cows are the issue, are the issue here.


The urge to influence the weather by sacrificing animals is as old as humanity. Primitive lads find it very compelling without understanding why.


They are stupid beasts, easily led, producing a lot of hot air and need a belt of a schtik every so often. Then there’s the cows.

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There’ll be probably way more than 200k cows disappearing in the next few years.

The rain distribution is changing rapidly and we are losing our seasons. It seems to be either dry for extended period or extremely wet for extended periods. That isn’t conducive to growing grass.

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Are you over 1,000 years old, or younger? You seem to have a good read on all the changes that are suddenly happening…

As clear a declaration of love as you could get…
The Fingal boot boys wait til the day of Aodhàns da’s funeral to have a squeak at the labour faction on here. Chilling.
I presume you were at the funeral @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy ?

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I don’t think it’s suddenly happening.

In faiirness, Eddie has a great track record of getting things right


He did a great job researching the Detroit property market


Indeed. Deploying his gimlet eye to differentiate between peaks and trends there too I suppose.

He got one thing right in that tweet anyway, the gobshite point.

Imagine going around posting Eddie Hobbs tweets in this day and age :smiley:
