What Climate Crisis?

hey hang on, just because he is working for & getting paid for by big oil , it doesnt mean his opinion that oil isnt causing climate change is less valid

I can’t keep up, are the headbangers big fans of big oil?

I assume so

Whatever about climate change, you’d swear there was something wrong with trying to live cleaner lifestyles and being more considerate of other species that reside on our planet. The ecological destruction of the past 100 years especially is disgusting.


These lads want the world to burn, just to annoy everyone else :man_shrugging:

Sure they’ll all be dead anyway

Wtf mate, having pollution free rivers amd villages where kids arent breathing poisonous smoke is an attack on rural ireland


Fox News has poisoned their brains


Don’t blame Irish farmers for that.

I didn’t

They are 100% to blame for polluting our waterd.the EPA has said it

It’s remarkable how the headbangers go to such lengths to try and discredit any real doctor or scientist they disagree with because they’re apparently being funded by so and so, and then they turn around and unconditionally trust the guy who works for Big Oil.


TFK at its very best.

Huge improvements have been made on this issue.

Public transport, fossil fuel use and general waste of consumables & energy are far more problematic than current Irish farming practices

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no improvements since 2013 according to the EPA

Our surface waters and groundwaters continue to be under pressure from human activities. There has been no significant change in the biological quality of our rivers and lakes in 2022 and any improvements we are seeing are being offset by declines elsewhere.

Two-fifths of our river sites nationally are exhibiting high nitrogen concentrations and the rivers, groundwaters and estuaries in the south east are under particular pressure from excessive nitrogen coming from intensive agricultural activities over freely draining soils in these areas. Phosphorus concentrations are too high in over a quarter of our rivers and over one third of lakes and this is impacting on their biological quality.

The loads of nitrogen and phosphorus coming from our major rivers to our marine environment have been increasing since 2013 and are putting the water quality of our estuaries and coastal waters, particularly in the south east, under sustained pressure.

Overall nutrient levels remain too high in many water bodies and there is no indication that they are decreasing. We will not meet our water quality objectives unless, and until, we reduce the emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus to our waters.

The agriculture and waste water pressures causing this level of deterioration need to be addressed

I completely understand farmers advocating for their future relevance, I’ve no doubt that most Irish farmers are genuine daycent sorts and obviously they’re going to side with whoever supports their industry, my own father in law is a farmer, lovely job by the way.

But the deniers of climate change whether they come from that angle or any other can really only be described as headbangers, the likes of the lads on twitter disputing weather in other countries or posting stats about a warm day or a big storm 200 years ago,
Jesus wept :man_shrugging:


Lovely tubridyesque aside there, ‘i love your county’ type spew

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I have no beef with farmers, and have no beef with drivers
I think climate change deniers or people who post the kind of stuff I said are headbangers :man_shrugging:

Where is there poisonous smoke in Ireland?