What Climate Crisis?

He saw a postcard?

Thats his fact

He was the advisor to FG on housing from 2010 onwards. The current situation regarding housing is based on his expertise

The recovery of tigers in Asia has been fantastic to see. Real recovery been seen there.

We need to be protecting the amazon at all costs if we are serious.

I wouldn’t have an objection to re-wilding parts of Ireland with natural forests either.

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Agreed, stop cutting it down to grow food for irish cows

Also, lets protect our bogs too. Save our amazon


Force commercial timber cutting operators to rewild areas when they are finished logging rather than leaving them like a nuclear test site.


We need to remove the requirement for fossil fuels, rewet bogs and increase pollinators. Also can we behead fly tippers?

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End of the day - climate change is a cod. The net zero stuff needs to be laughed out of the room. Its not going to happen.

Of course we do need to look after the environment - no one reasonable would be against that but potential tariffs on peoples frèedom of movement, the end of meat and dairy etc is not going to happen.

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@anon98850436 , does @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy have two cars in his household?

There’s a shoot on sight policy being implemented here locally.

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Climate change clearly isn’t a cod. Sure at one point wasn’t the whole place covered over in ice.

Be grand mate, don’t worry yourself

Would be a lot easier to say we need to be energy independent and can only do it for renewables. Cant rely on daft cunts half way across the world from not going to war over a nutcases nonescene in their heads to jack up energy prices. Go green and fuck putin, saudi and the USA war machines

Nally style

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Exactly, the climate has always changed.

The cultist net zero zealots want to blame you for it though. Its your fault that some cunt lit a fire last weekend in some shithole Greek island etc

I have 0

Well then climate change isn’t a cod. It’s happened before so it’ll happen again.

Oil and Gas get a very hard time of it.

A few of us are putting a few pound towards a few phony CCTV cameras to try deter the perpetrators. One cunt dumps about 10 cans of Red Bull a week along the road. He seems to have a Farmer’s Journal sub too and also reads the Sunday Business Post

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A few cows farting are the blame. Even though, those cows ancestors have always farted.

Be careful out there @iron_mike