What Climate Crisis?

We can get rid our need for it, solar panels on every roof, off shore wind for when theres no sun, bio gas and hopefully synthetic hydrocarbons to replace petrol. Electric cars for short journeys and bikes for even shorter journeys. All doable in the next 10 years. Thats just for us rural folks. Public transport for the urban dwellers

The cows will be a non issue.

Climate change isn’t a fella in the dail spouting.

It’s happening all over the world impacting people in different ways.

We are spoilt around here but it’s still important to think of other people who aren’t as fortunate.

Oil and gas wont last forever. Regardless of climate change having a plan to remove our dependency on them is no harm.

Awful problem around here too. Stuff that can be recycled for dropped to the council depo for a fiver. Disgusting. Shoot on sight is the right answer

Exactly Peak oil now that was a slogan to fear

Electric cars are a terrible stop gap mate. The mining thats going on for their batteries is devastating for the environment.

Hydrocarbon engines arent as damaging as them.

Net zero isn’t achievable though unless we want to mess up the world in ways that are unimaginable.

Horrible yolks but they will always be around

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I’d never buy one myself.

This is the future

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Maybe so. I just reckon we’re been coded and potentially railroaded into a new way of life for very little return being honest.

Yup i agree on that. Cant trust any offical narratives but there is always alternatives, competition drives innovation not monopoly and vested interests

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Its millions upon millions of cows mate

What about the wild buffalo back through the years?

Whatabout them

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Listen, it’s great that we’re sticking to nature’s way of choosing whether we support Man Utd or Liverpool in any argument. It helps us with a sense of belonging, now we’ve a tribe. I live in Greta Thunberg territory and see how efficient the locals are at recycling and all that other absolute nonsense that makes ZERO difference unless India, China and the U.S lead the way. The probable truth is the first two can’t as it would mean abandoning their manufacturing market and the rest of us gombeens, including myself here with our addictions to buying crap off the internet to suppress any feeling of negativity instead of dealing with it in a healthier fashion will most likely mean that we will have to deal with the consequences of the extracting, producing, consuming and dumping cycle. Sit back, light an aul fag and if the world goes up in smoke, those thundering thighs of dutch women on bicycles will all have been in vain, kind of.

The 30-60 million bison that roamed America were obviously too polite to fart.

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There was millions of them at one time and we were the finest, mate.

I don’t think you need to be as concerned as you are.

China are leading the way

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We’re fucked then.