What Climate Crisis?

Ok, there are 1 billion cows

Are we? They are the champions of renewables

You couldn’t believe a word from them, mate.

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Can we all agree that paper straws are a fucking cod. You can enjoy a milkshake in this country no more.

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Yeah but was there a couple of hundred million cars burning diesel and petrol at that time, along with coal, commercial shipping, millions of flights per year etc.

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You’ve answered your own question. Climate has always changed with and without humans. Carbon isn’t some magical dial you can turn up and down and change the weather. Anthropogenic climate change as presented by the UN and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is a cod.


Total cod.

If you bothered to read the articles like an adult, you’ll see they come to the same conclusion - drier, longer summers.

But there’s a slight difference now. We’ve dug up half the world. Cities houses and everything else aren’t natural to the world.

You are claiming it’s all cod but then admitting the climate does change.


He goes quite fast on the tandem but I wouldn’t exactly call it a car.


You can buy plastic ones from Chi-na. They’re leading the way.

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Don’t open your mouth about the climate you cunt. Ye Asians have destroyed the oceans with overfishing and dumping plastic into it. Now fuck off back to your bowl of fish heads.

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2009 :smile:


It’s a cod

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It’s been updated in the last hour based on new data the algorithm made up.