What Climate Crisis?

I’m not so sure.

Leave off the public transport, just get the youth to walk and cycle more for their health.

Too many fat children around, they should only travel actively. A lot of cycle lanes around for them to use safely now also


Around them

Have you not built any cycle lanes?? I thought the greens promised them.

Anyway children should be cycling to school and not be dropped off in a cage

Ok mate. Thats a bit creepy. Maybe lay off the shrooms.

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Look it, I don’t know about you but the typical climate change denier absolutely despises the thoughts of cycle lanes.
Limerick for example is a complete disaster for primary aged children to move around via bicycle

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yes, the greens promised them & have made funding available & where Councils are progressive they are being built, however populist Councilors responding to NIMBYS block them in a lot of the country

Cycle lanes are great, im not a climate change denier either but question the fear mongering language used and narrative that goes with it. All for renewalable energy and active travel, dont agree with the anti agricultural argument or punishing the general public with the proverbial stick, id rather we use a carrot of makimg energy cheaper by conserving usage and eliminating the use of fossil fuels.

On the point of children cycling to school, if they live close enough they should be walking or cycling, next best is public transport. Dropping kids off in a faux SUV should be banned unless there is no reasonable alternative. Its not the childrens fault granted its the parents

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punishing the general public by having cheaper electricity, more biodiversity, cleaner air etc?

Ive seen good progress mate, not going to lie the greens made a difference here and deserve credit. NIMBYISM is a stain on progress in ireland

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Alternatives are accessible enough yet, provide the alternative then punish those who dont use them. For example when the dublin metro is built, heavy congestion charges should be applied in dublin city centre. I’d agrue that should be in place now, remove cars from entering dublin. But that option is not available outside the capital at the moment

Young people have grown up in a belligerent environment. They’ve been terrorised with political correctness, new mandatory ideologies, vaccines, climate nonsense etc. They’ve been bullied over not ‘won’ over

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Says the generation who were ruled by the church for the majority of their lives.

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They did their best but we broke their power for lads like you to bend the knee to the latestthing… You’ve bought into the whole shebang and are busy defending your sillinesses



Look what you’ve done to the child

The youth? Like the hordes who head off their hollibobs après leaving is it?? :grin::grin:

Must be nearly time for another doss day for climate then ( only on Fridays) :wink:

You should delete your profile for using that word.

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