What Climate Crisis?

Jollies then,mate. :grin:

The Cabbage heads are wasting their time here in Ireland. They need to fuck off to Brazil.

Thas a fair point. But they’re a very docile, naive and obedient crew. Look at the way they queued up for the covid injection - frightened out of their minds and believing everything on the wireless.


Brazil doing what de oirish farmers wont

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The planet would be much better off without humans

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You wouldn’t be around to make that observation. It’s a useless idea to ponder.

I hope you genuinely aren’t worried about any of this propagandised nonsense.


Looking out your window isn’t propaganda.

You already admitted climate changes.

Irish farmers aren’t deforesting Ireland, you ape. There’s more forestry in Ireland now that at any time in the last 350 years.


Kamala Harris agrees with ya

It’s in your power to reduce the problem by one.

Yes mate, the climate has been changing since time immemorial, nothing to do with humans.

But the impact is different because of human settlements and there is evidence to suggest the process is speeding up.

If we can all make an effort to change our way of living to slow this process and give the next generations a chance to adapt what is the big issue?

The issue is boomers like @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy wanting to roll back standards of living to the stone age to pursue unfalsifiable ‘climate change’ goals via more government control and taxes. No one is against cleaner air, less pollution, more recycling, not that I’m aware of. Again, carbon output isn’t some magic dial you can change the weather with. You should actually join a just stop oil protest to see what these headbangers believe in or listen to Al Gore’s predictions, either one should set you straight.


I don’t get bogged down by the just stop oil.

We will run out of fossil fuels eventually. Making a move away from them is no harm.

Failure to go after China and India at COP26 and going after the individual instead. China and India make up about 35% of the excess Carbon and they’ve lads convinced putting things in different bins and cycling to the train will make a difference.

Silly cunts


Look up LK-99 to see where we’re going. Everything is going to be alright as long as we don’t let these headcases send us back to sticks and stones.

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I genuinely couldn’t give a fudge about COP 997 but yeah fair point, the hypocrisy would make you vomit alright. Although nothing wrong with the sentiment of recycling, reuse and a cleaner environment for all. It’s not going to change the weather though.

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they are chopping up the bog

this China?
China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time | China | The Guardian

this India?
India’s clean energy transition is rapidly underway, benefiting the entire world – Analysis - IEA

It’s like wanting to lavish praise on a murderer for only killing 4 people instead of 10.