What mobile phone do you have?

Should be unlocked in 2 days.
Cheers lads :+1:t2:

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How do u find go mo( eir )
Decent coverage?
Know it’s e4/5 cheaper than VF
But my mate has it yonks and swears by it,
But locally here it’s seemingly hit n miss

Question on a similar vein. The father has a phone with a Meteor sim card on pay as you go. Will that need to be unlocked or can a GoMo sim be dropped into it?

These fellas piggy back on VF network, I have been on them for past 6 months after been with VF for years and no drop in quality. Speeds capped at 5 Mbps is the only difference but I haven’t seen any impact to me.

15 a month

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Very same as yourself . I’m with these lads 6-7 months now for 14.95 a month. No drop off on service. It’s the VF network like you say . I have never had an issue with the speed cap. Stream video etc fine.


Good to hear

So far so good. See no issues with coverage at the moment.

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Gomo is perfect.


Thanks :+1:

Thanks, VF is generally fine,but around the border it’s shite even on roaming
And TBH some parts of Cork also at times

I’ve GOMO the last 4 years and it’s fine.


Might give it a lash
Save a fiver

100 minutes?

Everything is unlimited

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Feck v good,I’m limited to 100 minutes
Currently using my tariff to wifi hotspot ref android head unit

Think VF have issues ref using their data ref hotspots



Thanks boy

Just checked I’m on a 5G area
But of course that’s their map

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Anyone on Gomo actually getting the advertised 5g?