What mobile phone do you have?

not much point at this moment in time while you can still avail of the EU roaming in the UK. if that changes go dual sim. but changing sim is easy enough, on android. havent tried it with my work iphone

The point is having separate work and personal numbers on one phone rather than reducing data charges, in general that is.

E-sim is a game changer in countries outside EU/UK

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yes, far easier to slot in another SIM and swap rather than carrying two phones. great job travelling outside of EU/UK as you are not guaranteed working Wifi everywhere.
Plus if one SIM is work and another personal, just turn one SIM off after hours. Screw carrying two phones

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Ta, I’ve always used a Sony Xperia. If I get another one but dual SIM, will it transfer all my apps, my passwords, my fingerprint log ins etc?

not sure if Sony supports that but I know Samsung does.Your Google account will remember the previous apps you had installed and prompt you to reinstall them when you are setting your new phone up. might take some time to do. remember to back up your whatsapp conversations, photos, contacts etc. to your Google account if you have not already.
you likely need to set the fingerprint logins again

Thanks mate.
I think I’d better try and find someone to help :grimacing:

Ladybird how this works for some of us technophobes

I’m not 100% but under your SIM options there should be something called ‘Add eSim’ . When you buy or trial an eSim package it creates a primary and personal profile. Your primary one is your phone carrier/normal data package while your personal is your eSim. You can set up your phone to only use data off the eSim profile. If you have revolut, under Lifestyle there is an option to add eSim. It’ll allow you to use 100mb anywhere in the world for 7 days and then ask you to top up. There might be cheaper data plans out there you can add in a similar way eg Airolo

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What’s the best free app to shift all your data from one android to another when changing your phone?

Cc @Copper_pipe

The new phone set up should do it for you I’d have thought if the old one is backing up to your Google account?

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Wife’s phone I don’t know
I did it myself about 12 months ago and it prompted me to use an app just cannot figure out what app I used

If you have a Samsung, use the Samsung app

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You could post all her data up here and then download it again onto the new phone.


Is there any major difference in coverage between the various mobile phone providers or are they all the same?

Depends if your in the citttaay or the sticks.

Yes. There are coverage maps on Switcher. I went with 3 because they have the best coverage in Dunmore (the CEO has a house there)


ComReg SiteViewer

This is a map that shows where all the 4G masts are

This is entirely anecdotal but I certainly noticed a huge drop in Three’s coverage across the country over the last year. There seems to be much more dropouts and reduced speeds even in strong 5g areas.

I was with Vodafone through work anyways and said I’d change over to Vodafone on my personal phone to test it. The difference is huge. Vodafone is consistently strong across the country whereas Three is just delivering faster speeds in built up areas, which I don’t really need. I’d sooner have 100 Mbps in the backarse of Leitrim than 400+ Mbps in a city centre.

What does this mean on the coverage bars? Why is there a gap between the top and the bottom?