What’s your financial situation

He’s not new you fucking cunt.

Hes not a gom either.

Hes probably one of the more genuine lads on here.

You hate that don’t you.


You’re another fucking gom.

You’re the first to cry bully when anyone has a pop off your pet and you’re the worst offender on here

Whinge, whinge. Steer your own ship, you flute.

Take heed of your own advice pal

Fuck off for yourself, you drip.

We’re getting the full repertoire now, such as it is. We surely can’t be a million miles away from a few emojis


I’m thankful enough to say that after a couple of tough years that since I got those couple of promotions that our financial situation is stabilised.

Was a real struggle when herself went down to half pay but we’re on more than an even keel now and even in a position to pay extra off the mortgage while still having a good quality of life and there’s zero financial pressure for herself to return to work any time soon.

I’d echo what some of the lads were saying about income protection, it was built into the missus’ pension scheme and without it we would’ve been sunk financially.


Why are Irish people fascinated about getting rid of mortgages or paying off early? Tis the cheapest money you’ll ever borrow


Most other countries rent for life and they’re happy out.

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The earlier you pay it off the less interest you pay, would’ve thought it’s a no brainier to put the money in your own pocket rather than funding a new ivory back scratcher for bouchier, drumm and their ilk


He means in the sense of paying off a mortgage early but then taking out a higher interest loan for things like a car etc



Ah right. He could’ve been more specific

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The word is pacific, you dodo.


My situation is very unstable, I have a few quid tucked away alright and just bought a house, I work for myself and work 55-60 hrs per week,some weeks I could make a fortune, some weeks barely scrape a wage, no pension, no insurance but I’m happy :blush:


As Sheryl Crow would say.

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Do a mortgage calculator and see how much you save in total interest paid by adding more to each monthly payment.

96k was the difference between a 25 and 35 year mortgage in my case. A no brainer to go with 25 years.

Was a very modest mortgage as well in comparison to others.

Luckily, we’ve gone sale agreed now with a 30% uplift in price 4 years later. Househunting now again.