What’s your financial situation

I recently paid a big chunk off my mortgage meaning if I keep up current repayments, I’ll be done and dusted in 5 years. The stupid cunts wrote to me a couple of weeks ago having recalculated the repayments for the next 15 years.


I think thats the smartest thing to do Mike if you can manage it, fairplay.

Ah I just transfer the difference in every month. The cunts won’t refuse money anyway

Fair play mike. Not too long ago you were missing mortgage payments.

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Must go back to the time of Captain Boycott

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Have you splashed out on the hair transplant yet?


He’s a bit long in the tooth for that


Yes Austria for one saw it in action ,good housing stock but by laws are adhered to ie annoy your neighbours too much through drunkenness / fighting etc out the gap you go - lease terminated ,never work here of course ( council backed programme)


:joy: A veritable tap-in.

No I’m happy with my slapheadedness. Have you considered smoothing out those rough edges on your squarehead

A decent accountant friend of mine always says to have 6 months salary saved, and not touch it, for rainy day. This is outside of pensions, company share schemes, kids college funds etc which are more long term. Can see state pension being means tested down the line and dawning that private one won’t be enough. As someone said before, the juice is in doing another job you enjoy in your spare time off the books that can bring in readies for nice holidays, kids etc and doesn’t impact on your periodic outgoing.


Easier said than done

Don’t get me wrong it’s very tough - but if you get breathing space for a few months it’s worth giving up a big holiday or house decoration to get the head down and put it away.


I’m considerably wealthier than everyone.


The SF pogroms are on their way.

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No straws there to clutch at, I’m as smooth as glas’ fanny

You can also save a fortune by not marrying a geebag who wants to keep up with the Jones… In this case No money will be enough … Some poor bastard working every hour god sends to keep her going… Bi curamach…


A mighty man for the humblebrag.


Impossible I’d say