What’s your financial situation

I see there that Frank “has obtained some work doing music at funerals”…Fucks sake.

So we’re at the funeral afters in the Rathoat Inn and there’s Frank, the cunt, churning out a few times in the corner. “I have a request here from Paddy who wants me to play I usedta love her”…

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The few bob he’s making from this will be going against hid debts — the poor crater.

youve a van, youve crisps, sweets and cans and bottles. just start advertising on FB and youll be fine

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Are you suggesting he drive around delivering yokes out of his van? It very much looks like that is what you are suggesting.


Have you a point here? I don’t for a second condone her actions.

I hope it goes ok for you, pal. Disappointing to see some here make light of what will no doubt be a stressful time.

I’d fear for businesses reliant on discretionary spend. There will inevitably be a lock down of some sort in the next few weeks, hard not to see lots of restaurants going to the wall.


Ah, taking the piss is a fairly Irish reaction. You wouldn’t begrudge a bit of black humour. To be honest if it’s just work that goes tits up I won’t care one bit.


Hopefully it works out for you juh

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Vending machines stocking face-masks and alcohol gels is your answer here.

I was tipping thru Schiphol earlier and was stunned to see the amount of people, only a portion of whom were Oriental, donning facemasks. Either a lot of these people missed The Clare Byrne Show (and are thus ripe for a face mask vending machine) or there are a lot of sick, sick people in the Netherlands…


It’s all relative kid. Like I said before, it’s what your shelling out each month that determines your financial health


I’ve walked through the red light area once, and I can confirm that there are a lot of very sick sick people in the Netherlands.