What’s your financial situation

Was a millionaire a few times,1pound Sterling in 1994 equalled 147,000 Lei in Romania

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what’s the job?



If you’ve a roof over your head and food on the table you are much better off than a lot of folk around the world. We take far too much for granted in Ireland.


CEO Galway 2020


Correct boy



Without coming from a family with land, its impossible these days, mate.

I’m seeing decent value in buying a nice house on its own ground outside of Limerick city as well.

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What area, pal?

Adare, Bruff, Kilcornan all have a house or two within budget thats worth a look.

Few more areas that I’m looking at as well in Co. limerick - wouldnt rule out Ballina/Killaloe either once they were on high ground.

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Got the mortgage with Ulster Bank and yeah it was an in house adviser who sold it to us. I find €130 a month a lot to be coughing up.

We have a Mortgage Life protection policy, which all the bank really wants to cover the mortgate in the event that something happens. That’s €40 a month. Along with that, we have the One Plan €89 per month) which has decreasing life cover, specified illness protection and a salary cover also. Are you saying I should review this plan?

You Clare cunt.

The one plan income protection is not worth anything at €300 a month if unable to work. I would get mortgage protection with a seperate serious illness plan. The life cover/ mortgage protection should be dual which means it would pay out on both lives. You could knock €5/6 a month off the mortgage protection with Royal London or VHI. What level of serious illness do ye get with the plan, what age are ye, are ye in good health? The decreasing life cover is not worth much, they sell this as it benefits them. I would prefer to be paying a few euro more for a level term plan which means it will pay the same amount throughout the plan. If you passed in the last year on a decreasing plan it would be worthless to your family.

In good health and both in mid 30s. Specified illness cover of €28,000 each. I’ll get onto Royal London as they seem to be the best of the companies I’ve seen quoted on online brokers.

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It is expensive for what you are getting. If you wanted to pay the same premium I would bump up my serious illness protection. €28,000 is grand but would not last long.

Check out lion.ie for a quote.

My Mrs got a quote the other day for 200k life cover and 100k critical illness for 60 a month which seems reasonable enough

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One rule for them… One rule for us

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My financial situation is about to get a whole lot worse. Corona related cancellations have already started. Schools will be itching to pull the trigger. And these are 2 of the busiest weeks of the year…
I may yet be looking for a job from some whopper bigwig on here.


A man with a van will be worth a fortune during this crisis ---- People wont want to go out but will want goods delivered to their door step ---- you need to be aligning with chemists and grocery stores now pal… get a few social media pages set up and let people know you will be providing a virus proof delivery service.

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This corona virus could fuck me too being honest

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