What’s your financial situation

Mrs O’Sullivan is flying it…

As for me, I only take home the average industrial wage and not a cent more.


A friend of mine is the last 10 years waiting for Avaya in Galway to close. He’s still waiting.


I have my gold plated civil service pension so I’ll be grand.

Though I was nearly 30 when I joined so would have to work til 70 to get the full thing, and fuck that. You can “buy” extra years but it’s expensive. I could afford it at the moment, and it will only get more expensive to buy years as I progress, and no doubt I won’t have space to do it later when I’ve a family. I haven’t seriously looked into it but I think that reducing the mortgage is the better bet while I have a bit of scope.

I’m 38 in a few months kid :astonished::astonished::astonished:

I still tip away with a bit of extra work now and then. Hopefully that’ll be sending me to Argentina this summer

Have it. Handy yoke.

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The likes are in the bank pal

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I’ve been away for 25 years pal. Am not au fait with the Mick forms

110 posts in a few hours and nothing I didn’t know already, the usual suspects divulging the personal info while the other usual suspects say nothing but contribute drivel

I’m doing fine, I work because I love my job


Miserable sounding experience

Yes made redundant in July so got 7 months tax back so would have been marginal enough to go back to work that year.

Was entitled to job seekers for 12 months no questions asked but didnt claim a penny of it. I had an arrangement with current employer at time which complicated matters

Edgy stuff


Carky to the core, better than everyone else

Oh Shur look it, he’s a bad bastard and he doesn’t care who knows it.

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Yeah, that can’t be your primary work strategy though. It’s a nice ace to have in your back pocket but that’s about the extent of it.

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Not too bad. Renting though, which is a killer.


Yippee :+1:

Well at least comfortable in the knowledge that I can’t do f all about it , depending on the man I call God , never let me down pity I didn’t return the kindness in abundance ,still hanging in fuck the haters

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I’ll square things for you.

I was in my mid 40s before things finally started to get comfortable. Plenty of time for ya.