What’s your financial situation

That’s no way to live

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My two year plus daughter has double our savings.


Grounded :+1:

Thanks for that mate. I really hope to.

Cork is booming… I see a fella in your game from Cork that I asked you about before, has come home. Tom I think is the first name.

Lucky boy

@glasagusban is living the dream. Sleeping in the box room and has the rest of the house let to students. Just waiting until he hits 70 and gets that pension.

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Stop atin all them big feeds every sunday and you’ll save a fortune

Stray dog is free pal.


Savings and a will.

She’ll be able to give herself a start in life, outside of college fees etc. I’ve another pot on the go for that

I’m good. I’m happy to pay more taxes if needed. Taxing should be progressive.


what way does inheritance work chaps? There’s only me and the brother and we have the family home, an aunts house and the Father’s place in Spain all coming to us… Do you pay much on selling these?

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Not now you don’t.

In the Socialist paradise you’ll pay most of the price in tax.


Move into one of them for 2 years and you’ll pay nathin on that one.

I’d say despite all the salt of the earth chat very few fellas if any here are fully descended from the ‘men of no property’. Everyone had a head start. Go somewhere like a working class area of Dublin and even if the family have always worked they would have fuck all compared to most rural types. Its a different world.



Unfortunately we are fleeced in this country in terms of tax. I dont necessarily mean PAYE and USC but in terms of indirect taxation and stealth taxes. It is no harm to have a bit of private practice on the side and away from the gaze of the tax man to afford some of the nicer things in life. Whatever you are good at see can you monetize it or do a few nixers on the side.

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46 in a few months youngest going to college in September eldest has a year left on his masters. Both myself and the missus have very well paying jobs but it’s only in the last 5 or 6 years that we have seriously started saving. Childcare costs when the Childers were young is off the charts college costs seem like chump change in comparison.

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You got it