🤷‍♂️ What the fuck is wrong with people?

Because, unlike you, I have taken graduate level classes in psychology and have studied psychopathic and sociopathic behavior in real life (and not just on internet forums).

Most violent criminals are not psychopaths, however the specifics of this case strongly suggest psychopathic behavior.

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Anybody who breaks into a 70 year old woman’s house and beats the shit out of her should be shot in the head.


I would class that as a deterrent


That would certainly cure them.

It’s privatised for a start!

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You have no tools whatsoever available to you make that judgement.

In fact you fatally undermine your own argument in your second paragraph.

Woah, a TFK discussion has unearthed a real life expert, what’re the odds?


The death penalty didn’t and doesn’t work as a deterrent.

This is just unbelievable. A few posts up you made the exact same judgement when you said they were criminals not psychopaths. And he has more tools than you. Actual education.


I’m also available for free consultations, for the victims of TFK psychopaths.

It works as a deterrent for the criminal involved.


A self inflicted headshot, clueless.

I have more tools than you have when you declared these individuals criminals and not psychopaths.
I suggest you bow out as you are (again) out of your depth.


Shooting somebody in the head might not necessarily kill them.

Did you ever watch the old Police Squad! with Leslie Nielsen?

We need a SCR matters thread

I’m not talking about a deterrent.

I’m talking about the money saved from feeding the cunts while they are in prison when they are nothing other than pond life. And the cost of the guards etc.

That could be much better spent topping up a TD’s pension.

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I’m pretty sure it’ll deter the lad who has a bullet in his head to re-offend. Or have you facts to say otherwise?

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