🤷‍♂️ What the fuck is wrong with people?

Its a disaster regarding imprisoning people, especially minorities, for minor drugs offences. Its on the money in locking up violent repeat offenders who cannot be rehabilitated. Should society not prioritize public safety?

Ok ya, they are tougher on scumbags no doubt. Does not seem to be too much of a deterrant.

They are the ones getting it really wrong and in a way i wonder does that create support for a more leniant sytem elsewhere

Some serious cutting in this thread. You’d want a helmet


It wouldn’t act as a deterrent though I’d say


Not a deterrent at all. But that doesn’t change the fact that the US in parts is an insanely violent place as you know from living there, and in fact being imprisoned there. They have to do something, if you can’t deter them, is not locking them up and away from decent society the only solution?

A perfect exampke of rehabilitation.

Maube we should send the two robbing granny beating cunts down to Mrs Sullivan and let her straighten em out

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That’d be a right deterrent

Have you 3 or 4 hours to fuck away writing a 20 verse painfully unfunny comedy song to the tune of The Irish Rover mate? This is the level of comedy required to match @Sidney

Like I said previously the US is about as bad of an example of a good justice system to bring into the argument.

Many of their prisons are privatised and all the contracts for food etc are outsourced. As a result business and money making is involved in the US prison service and one can reasonably argue based on statistics that this situation is forcing people into jails.

Usually blacks of course but sure who is going to stand up for their civil rights?

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If only they could have a President some time

That’s a very lazy argument.

And pretty racist.

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On the 4th of July, Twenty hundred and Six(teen)
@backinatracksuit sat around down in Cork
He was bored of his life so he took a few pics
Instead of learning how to use a fork
He said “please look at my shoes”
Or I’ll go on the booze
And I’ll end up with a hangover
“If you don’t look at my feet
Then the wife I will beat
And I’ll strangle me poor dog Rover”


One verse in 35 minutes, you’ll need to speed up a bit mate or you’ll get nothing of any use done today, oh wait… :rofl:

15 minutes, mate.

Were you ‘busy’ for the other 20 :joy:

go to bed @Sidney

Yes, busier than you, anyway, even though I wasn’t doing very much.

night night @Sidney

You gave 4 kids their breakfast and got a couple of them dressed? Or more than the equivalent?
You did in your hole, you composed a crappy verse to the tune of the Irish Rover while ignoring the real world as usual you useless prick


A slice of bread and a glass of water isn’t a breakfast, pal.