What will you be having for Christmas Dinner?

I have to face my demons. I have to face them head-on. On my own.


I have a substantial bet on a horse in Chepstow on the 27th. I hope I won’t be disappointed.


I know how you feel. I was doing a load of mushrooms with @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and @Funtime one night and I needed a bit of head space so I headed off to a spare room.

Thankfully @Funtime was a mate and brought me in a carving knife. He said; “I’ll leave this here just in case, work away, don’t worry about the mess, I’ll sort it.

If things get to mad over there, @Funtime can pop over.


I’m gone mad into the aul mass lately. You could say ive returned to being a regular mass goer. I might even put myself forward for the collection

Evil bastard. Lease he could have done was left a clean edged implement

A real friend

I just threw on a 2.5 kg ham there from a pig killed by a neighbour. I doused it liberally with black treacle before wrapping it up tightly on a few layers of tinfoil. It got a half an hour in the oven on top heat and now its in there at 100 degrees until lunchtime tomorrow when i will remove, glaze again and blast the fuck out of it at high heat again

Nigella inspired


Nogra inspired surely?

Don’t think he mentioned chlorine mate


I was referencing the use of tinfoil you dullard.

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I dont acknowledge the nogra pal

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You having dinner on your own ?


7kilo Ham on the go here. Sure that 2.5 kilo slice of bacon won’t see the 25th.


Im having dinner at the mothers this is just for a few sandwiches tomorrow. Have a serious lump of spiced beef on the go as well

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Could someone put up a nice gravy recipe that goes well with Turkey.

This one is absolutely simple and gorgeous

Why post on this thread then

Thanks for that mate

Just a heads up, that’s not at all appetizing until the turkey juices are added,

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A bucket of these horny hoors